5 Video Creation and Editing Trends for Video Editors

Short-form videos are the new normal; find out how to make them work for you.

Ever feel like you’re constantly playing catch-up with the latest trends in video creation and editing?

You’re not alone.

In a digital world that spins faster than a roller coaster, it’s easy to feel a step behind.

But don’t worry; today, I’ve got your back.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or an emerging professional, staying in tune with these trends is your golden ticket to staying ahead of the curve.

So, what are these trends, and why should they be on your radar? Stick around, because I’m about to spill the beans.

video creation

5 Video Creation and Editing Trends to Follow This Year

Remember when you thought 1080p was the pinnacle of video resolution? Or when shooting horizontally was the only option for video?

Times have certainly changed, and they’re changing even more rapidly than you might think.

Are you ready to learn about the 5 trends that are revolutionizing the world of video creation and editing? Buckle up, because this roller coaster is about to take off.

1. AI in Video Editing: The Next Big Leap Forward

Remember when AI was a concept only seen in science fiction movies? Those days are long gone.

Today, AI is making its way into the video editing sphere, and it’s causing quite a stir.

If you’ve ever spent hours or even days hunched over your desk trying to achieve the perfect cut, you know that editing can be a laborious process.

That’s where AI comes in.

It automates the tedious tasks that make you want to pull your hair out – such as sifting through footage, selecting the best clips, and performing color correction.

AI text-to-video generators, for instance, are transforming the way people create videos. You provide a script, and voila! You get a fully realized video complete with relevant images, animations, and even voice-overs.

Imagine pairing that with a robust free 4K video editor. That’s some serious time-saving magic.

Entering the AI-driven realm of video editing might seem intimidating, but remember, innovation always comes with a learning curve.

Consider this:

An astounding 64% of marketers say that time constraints prevent them from creating more videos, according to Wistia.

Wistia statistic on marketers' time constraints for video creation

It sounds like AI could be the solution we’ve been looking for.

But don’t worry – AI isn’t here to take away our creativity. It’s here to streamline the technical aspects, giving you more freedom to unleash your creative and storytelling skills.

2. Short-Form Videos: The New Normal

The video landscape is rapidly evolving.

Remember the days when we had the luxury of time to tell a story through video? Those days are long gone.

Welcome to the era of short-form videos.

Think about YouTube Shorts and TikTok. And let’s not even begin to discuss Instagram Reels. It seems that wherever I look, I’m greeted by bite-sized pieces of video content.

So, what’s the significance?

How about YouTube Shorts garnering an astonishing 50 billion daily views? Or the 2 billion users engaging with Shorts every month? These are numbers that are hard to overlook.

Statista graph on YouTube Shorts views

But YouTube isn’t the only player in the short-form video arena. Instagram has entered the fray with Instagram Reels. With 55% more interactions than single-image posts, it’s clear that Reels has found its niche in the Instagram ecosystem.

Emplifi graph on Instagram Reels interactions

And here’s the beautiful part:

For marketers, this shift toward shorter content has been a blessing.

It’s all about creating concise, compelling videos that don’t require a significant investment of time or resources. In fact, ultra-short-form videos (we’re talking less than 60 seconds) were the most produced content type in 2022.

Wistia graph on ultra-short-form videos

E-commerce is not being left behind either. With the rise of TikTok for e-commerce, it’s abundantly clear that short videos can drive sales as well.

So, to clarify:

Short-form videos are not just a trend; they are the new normal.

Whether you aim to engage your audience or use product videos to boost sales, it’s time to embrace the short video format.

3. Live Streaming: A Necessity, Not a Novelty

Let’s dive into our next trend: Live streaming.

Live streaming has evolved from being a mere novelty to becoming a necessity. It’s authentic, immediate, and here to stay.

In the digital age, engagement is key. People are seeking connection, interaction, and authenticity, and live streaming checks all these boxes.

It’s no wonder that 80% of marketers hosted live events in 2022, according to a previously cited Wistia report.

Platforms like Twitch and YouTube are leading the way, providing businesses with the ideal platform to connect with their audiences.

Other social media platforms are not far behind. On Facebook, live videos outperform regular videos, garnering nearly 4x more post interactions.

Graph illustrating the importance of live streaming in marketing

So, what’s the takeaway?

If you’re not live streaming, you’re missing out on opportunities to build trust, enhance engagement, and strengthen your brand presence. Live streaming offers a perfect avenue for selling online courses, hosting Q&A sessions, or sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses.

4. The Rise of Vertical Videos: A Game Changer

The fourth trend in video creation and editing is the rise of vertical videos.

This is not just a passing fad; it’s a game changer.

Let’s face it, no one enjoys flipping their phone sideways to watch a video. We are creatures of convenience, and vertical videos fit right into that comfort zone.

This trend is gaining momentum on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and even YouTube. Yes, YouTube, traditionally the home of horizontal videos, is now promoting vertical content through its Shorts feature.

And the audience? They’re loving it.

As previously mentioned, YouTube Shorts has amassed an astonishing 50 billion daily views.

Still wondering why vertical videos are gaining traction? Here are some reasons:

  • Mobile-First Approach: Most people consume content on their smartphones, and vertical videos align with the natural orientation of these devices. This shift towards mobile viewing is fueling the popularity of vertical videos.
  • Social Media Influence: Popular social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat are designed for vertical content. The Stories feature, in particular, has mainstreamed vertical video.
  • Full-Screen Advantage: Vertical videos occupy the entire screen on mobile devices, capturing the viewer’s full attention and offering a more immersive experience.
  • Adaptability: Increasingly, platforms like YouTube and Facebook are modifying their interfaces to better accommodate vertical videos, emphasizing its growing importance.

If you’re searching for effective tools to create engaging vertical videos, check out this list of online video makers by Attrock. It offers a diverse range of tools to kickstart your video marketing journey.

5. High-Resolution Videos: Elevating the User Experience

As display technology improves, audience expectations rise accordingly. And why shouldn’t they?

Once you’ve experienced the clarity of high resolution, there’s no turning back.

Consider 4K as an example. Here are some key points about it:

  • It’s no longer an unattainable luxury.
  • As more devices become capable of displaying 4K content, demand for it is growing.
  • Video creators and editors increasingly view 4K as the standard, not the exception.

But it’s not just about 4K. The future holds even more promise. 8K videos are already making an impact and are expected to become the new standard sooner than you might think.

The high-resolution revolution enhances not just the viewer experience but also the video editing process.

For example, you can crop and zoom without sacrificing quality, offering greater creative freedom and flexibility.

However, there’s a catch:

High-resolution videos have larger file sizes, making them more challenging to manage.

Fortunately, solutions exist. For example, you can compress your 4K videos using apps like VideoProc without losing quality.


Before embracing high-resolution videos, consider the following:

  • High-Quality Equipment: To record 4K videos, you’ll need a camera capable of capturing high-resolution footage. Investing in high-quality lenses can further enhance the resolution.
  • Storage Requirements: High-resolution videos consume more storage space. Ensure you have ample storage on both your recording and editing devices.
  • Post-Production: Editing high-resolution videos demands a robust computer system. A powerful processor and sufficient RAM are essential for managing larger file sizes. Quality software for editing high-resolution videos is also crucial.
  • Internet Bandwidth: If you’re uploading or streaming your videos online, keep in mind that high-resolution videos require more bandwidth for smooth streaming.
  • Production Time: High-resolution videos may take longer to render and export, increasing production time.

While 4K and higher resolutions offer a superior viewing experience, they do require more resources. Plan accordingly.

Embracing the New Era of Video Creation and Editing

The digital landscape is ever-changing, and trends in video creation and editing are no exception. Whether you’re a content creator, marketer, or entrepreneur, staying ahead of these trends is crucial.

From crafting engaging Instagram Reels to selling online courses or presenting product demos, the realm of video creation offers endless possibilities.

Stay creative, stay innovative, and most importantly, keep the cameras rolling!
