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10+ Best Free macOS Screen Recording Tools

Macs have built-in screenshot tools, but for extra features like annotations and scrolling capture, specialized tools are a must. Here are the best fr…

20 Accessories to Enhance Your Smartphone Experience

Looking to get the most out of your smartphone this year? From portable chargers and sleek stabilizers to smart locks and mini projectors, there’s a…

Cloud IDEs For Web Developers – Best Of

As more desktop-based tools and mobile productivity apps shift to the cloud, Cloud-based Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) have become essent…

5 Ways to Manage Multiple Versions of PHP

Managing multiple PHP versions is a common challenge when developing PHP applications, where applications often require different versions due to vary…

What’s New in JavaScript (2024)

JavaScript continues to grow and evolve. While new libraries are important, there’s much more happening. The language itself is improving, there’s…

How to Create a WordPress Settings Page with React

While building some plugins, I figured creating dynamic applications in WordPress Admin is much easier with React components compared to using PHP and…

15 Websites That Changed the Internet

The internet has come a long way since its humble beginnings, from a small network meant to share research to a global phenomenon that shapes the way …

How to Hide All Desktop Icons on Your Mac

If you’re like me, your desktop can quickly become cluttered with icons, and sometimes it’s nice to have a clean, distraction-free workspace. Whet…
