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15 Best Time Tracking Apps

When you’re working with remote teams, one of the tools that become almost inevitable is the time tracking app. The tool allows you to track the per…

How to Convert TRC-20 Tokens to ERC-20 and Vice Versa

If you are looking for a way to convert your TRC-20 token to ERC-20, you came to the right place. Basically, in this quick tutorial I will walk you th…

Popular Productivity Apps For Freelance Designers

Designers spend a significant amount of time trying to stay organized, juggling meetings and project deadlines, etc. which leaves them very little tim…

Surviving a Dying Battery on Android, Part II

These days, mobile phones go beyond their primary function of calling and texting and offer us so many more functions. However, the more you put your …

21 Free 3rd-Party Desktop Screenshot Tools

Windows and Mac come with built-in screen capture tools, however, they may not meet your needs, depending on their natively-shipped features. For inst…

Developers: Easy-to-Use Tools to Improve Your Workflow

A web developer’s job can be uplifting, challenging, exciting, or a combination of several. It’s undoubtedly an ever-changing profession, and more…

How to Use the Who Command in Linux

The who command in Linux is a command-line utility that displays information about users who are currently logged in to the system. It provides a quic…

Yield Farming in DeFi for Beginners

Since the creation of Bitcoin in 2009, other cryptos started to appear one by one, which sparked countless opportunities within the crypto sphere. And…

11 Productivity Tools and Tips For Your Design Team

In our work as web designers, we’re always looking for ways to streamline our workflows to allow us to finish projects faster without compromising o…

What is a Rug Pull in Crypto and NFTs?

You are taking your daily cup of coffee as you browse the internet when you notice some newly minted NFTs and cryptos going viral. You wonder what the…

How to Use the Whatis Command in Linux

It’s quite similar to “man” except this command only prints the one line description of the given command. It’s handy to get what’s the comm…
