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Converting Photo with Data to MS Excel and Google Sheets

Microsoft Excel has recently introduced an exciting feature in its mobile apps — the ability to snap and recognize a picture of data tables drawn or…

Create and Customize Google Maps

We all know that Google Maps is one of the most powerful apps on the web to navigate faster and easier throughout the world. However, what most of us …

Migrating From Android to iOS: 10 Burning Questions

Are you an Android user who has recently purchased an iOS device and are having difficulties in setting it up? Due to the difference in their features…

50 Cool Cosplay Costumes Design, Vol. 2

Cosplay is a great outlet for fans to show off their awesome self-made costumes, beautiful craftsmanship, and the love for their favorite fictional ch…

Effortlessly Compress Files on Mac with Keyboard Shortcut

There are so many times when you have to compress (zip) a file or folder on Mac to send or share but the only way to do so is through the tedious righ…

100+ Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts

Photoshop is an exceptional design software used by almost every designer in the world. The software has so many tools and features, however, the best…

Vintage Advertisement of Modern Technology

Vintage design is always described as outdated, old looking design with most updated products like Facebook or Nintendo Wii featured… what? Yeah it…

This Site Knows If Your Accounts Have Been Hacked

Over the years, many websites and services have been hacked by groups of black hat hackers. Stemming from these hacks are lists containing compromised…

What You Discover After Finishing Design School

I went to design school, and if you did as well, you may be wondering if you made the right decision, especially when the bills start piling up and th…
