NOPE – Chrome Extension to Avoid Annoying Conversations
Getting dragged into a conversation while you’re working can be particularly annoying. This gets worse when the people that are having the conversat…
Getting dragged into a conversation while you’re working can be particularly annoying. This gets worse when the people that are having the conversat…
Chrome users may want to stay extra vigilant when browsing the web today as cyber security firm NeoSmart Technologies have discovered a crafty new way…
Loyal Netflix customers are probably aware of the fact that the content-streaming service sorts its shows and movies into categories that are hidden f…
Moving your Chrome tabs around using the mouse, while handy, can be rather finicky, particularly when you have a rather large number of tabs open. If …
Take Todobook’s method of restricting browsing time on a certain "unproductive" website, and apply it to any other website that you want. That is th…
Managing multiple accounts of a single social network service can be a hassle as the need to constantly log out and log into a service isn’t exactly…
Facebook’s News Feed can be your worst enemy, especially when you’re supposed to get some work done. For those who doubt their own self-control wh…
Those who have used Google’s Chrome browser would be aware of the password saving feature that can be used for the browser’s Autofill feature. How…
If you’re someone who bookmarks all your frequently visited websites, Chrome’s New Tabs page would appear to be not that useful at first glance. H…
Reader modes that remove various distractions from a website to give you a simple and clean reading experience can be found on browsers like Mozilla 
Google releases version 55 of Chrome for Android today where its feature has long been requested by user base – The selection to download media and …
Chrome’s address bar is rather handy as it acts both as a browsing tool and a search bar. Now, you can even tweet from it using an extension called …