15 Ridiculously Oversized Every Day Objects, Vol. 2
Have you read Gulliver’s Travels before? Today, we’re going to make you feel like one of the Lilliputians, with this list of huge, no wait, ridiculously oversized everyday outdoor objects. These are things modeled after common every day items – just a lot bigger.
These heavy-duty "models" are the center of attention wherever they lie. Some of these overdone outdoor objects are not just impressive to look at, but also serve some very practical purposes. For example, the giant comb in Virginia, United States, works as a bike rack.
So let’s jump right in and let the following 15 ridiculously oversized every day objects blow our minds!
Recommended Reading: 40 Ridiculously Oversized Every Day Objects
The World’s Largest Deckchair by Stuart Murdoch
Located on Bournemouth beach in Great Britain, this giant deckchair is 8.5 meters tall and 5.5 meters wide, which makes it even larger than a double-decker bus! It was constructed using 5,016 egg boxes, and weighs nearly 6 tons.

Giant Light Bulb by Sarah Olaerts
A giant dimmable LED lamp that is shaped like an incandescent light bulb. It is 4.5 feet long and made of polyethylene. It even has a remote control.

Step Inside a Creative Mind by Prodigium
Located in Croatia, this dome is designed to look like the head of a person wearing Ray Ban-inspired glasses. On the inside, it exhibits lots of creative fashion-related works.

Giant Comb Bike Rack by Knowho w Shop LA
Shaped like a giant comb, but works as a bike rack. It weighs more than 400 pounds, and is made of Mangaris and powder-coated steel.

‘Bad Dog’ by Richard Jackson
Located just outside the Orange County Museum of Art and standing 24 feet tall, this giant urinating dog statue is sure to attract the attention of any passer-by. Bad dog!

Giant Yellow Teddy Bear by Urs Fischer
This giant teddy bear was on display in New York back in 2011. It was made of bronze, weighed 35,000 pounds, and stood 23 feet tall.

Spiral of the Galaxy by Marc Quinn
This giant sea shell sculpture was displayed in the vicinity of Chatsworth House, England as part of the Sotheby’s Beyond Limit’s sculpture exhibition on September 5, 2013.

Guns by David Černý
Czech artist David Černý came up with this installation in an effort to convey the message that violence frequently leads into a deadlock and brings no benefit to anyone.

"Remind" Giant Message in a Bottle by Vibeke Nørgaard Rønsbo
Selected to be part of the "Sculpture by the Sea" exhibition, this is a really romantic and movie-esque sculpture of a bottle containing a beautifully written message.

Large LEGO Sculptures by Access Agency
This huge R2D2 sculpture-cum-gateway is just one of the several large LEGO sculptures created by Access Agency. Also included in the series are Darth Vader and The Smurfs.

Planet by Marc Quinn
Marc Quinn designed this huge sculpture of his then 7-month-old son. Located in Singapore, this sculpture measures more than 10 meters in length and weighs 7 tons.

Pentateuque by Fabien Marelle
The 5-meter-tall artwork ‘Pentateuque’ brings to life the fantastical and seemingly impossible act of an average man (a cast of the artist himself) balancing a gigantic elephant. It is found in Statue Square, Hong Kong.

Metalmorphosis by David Černý
Located in Charlotte, North Carolina, this is a really cool and unique sculpture as it’s made of sliced steel plate layers that can rotate in different directions. It stands 30 feet tall and weighs 14 tons.

Marilyn Monroe Sculpture by J. Seward Johnson
This is a 26 foot-tall statue of Marilyn Monroe in her iconic pose from a 1955 movie, The Seven Year Itch. Originally located in Chicago, it was later moved to southern California in summer 2012.

Big Rig Jig by Mike Ross
This gravity-defying sculpture came from the idea of turning discarded objects into works of art. It stands 50 feet tall, weighs 25 tons, and most importantly, is made using a couple of repurposed 18-wheeler tanker trucks.