Latest in: Freelance

Choosing to go freelance is a significant decision. Yet, for those who embark on this journey, it can be immensely rewarding. No matter the type of creative freelance work you pursue, there are common challenges and benefits you'll encounter. Dealing with clients and meeting deadlines are just a few examples.

We've amassed a wealth of freelance-related information that you'll find invaluable. Feel free to explore.

5 Things You Can Do When Someone Steals Your Idea

Theft of ideas happens all the time in the creative industry. When you come up with something fresh and exciting that attracts attention, it’s inevi…

Getting Published (Part 3): Maximize Reachhed Posts

Have you finished your article? Did you ensure it was meticulously edited, rewritten, and polished before finally getting the green light for publicat…

Mastering Writing Terms for Publishing Success (Part 2)

Last time, we talked about identifying your niche and the right site for you to write for. The process involves checking out the guest-posting guideli…

Get Published (Part 1): Finding The Right Site

Having one article published online is rewarding, but having multiple articles published is even more impressive. Interestingly, achieving this often …

Is Less Always More? Getting To The Bottom Of Minimalism

We’ve been told time and time again that simple design is better than complex design. Everyone from Seth Godin to Steve Jobs has expressed their fee…

New vs. Current Clients – Which Are More Important?

If you’re a freelance designer serving a target market that seems to be shrinking or not providing you with quite enough business, maybe it’s time…

Writing Content That Convert Readers & Deliver Sales

Conversion Rate Optimization is one of the most complex forms of writing in e-commerce. That is why very few writers claim to be able to do it. The fa…

Maximizing Your Work Exposure to Ideal Clients for Freelancers

Have you wondered why, even after doing everything “right” — having a website, circulating through all the social media channels — you’re ju…

Balancing Self-Promotion with Productivity as a Freelancer

Marketing is crucial for any freelancer’s career. Freelancing is a business, and without actively growing your business, you risk falling behind. Ye…

Do Designers Live In A Bubble?

It’s a provocative question, I know. The question of whether the design community is too insular is one that many in the design community have wonde…
