Getting Published (Part 3): Maximize Reachhed Posts

Have you finished your article? Did you ensure it was meticulously edited, rewritten, and polished before finally getting the green light for publication? That’s fantastic news!

But wait, your journey doesn’t end here. “What do you mean it doesn’t end here?”, you might wonder. “Isn’t crafting the content all I need to worry about?”

Perhaps in the bygone era of print publications, that would’ve been the case. Back in those days, your main focus was the quality of your content, leaving the marketing efforts to others. However, in today’s digital age, it’s all too easy for your content to be lost in the vast sea of information online.

For more insights, check out the first two parts of this series:

That’s why it’s crucial to put in extra effort to market yourself and:

Make the Most of Your Social Networks

Rather than sharing the same old memes with your contacts, why not share a well-crafted article you’ve poured your heart and soul into? Busy, on-the-go individuals – the ones most likely to be scrolling through social networks – are always eager for fresh reads and eager to share intriguing finds with friends. Leverage this by posting links to your article along with engaging, eye-catching comments. For instance, “Struggling with a bricked iPhone? Discover a straightforward, easy-to-follow guide to fix it.”

sharing post on social media

Keep in mind, today’s readers crave immediate understanding of how your article benefits them, so make every comment impactful. Steer clear of pleas like “Please Like and share my article!” as they tend to feel desperate.

There’s no need to share every article you write. Pick the ones you’re truly proud of, or those you wouldn’t mind being read by a wide audience – including your aunt’s sister’s best friend.

Participate in the Comments Section

Receiving comments on your article is a great sign – it means you’ve engaged your readers, sparking a connection. The positive comments are straightforward to handle. A simple “You’re welcome” or “Glad to hear it!” suffices for appreciative remarks from readers like Anne.

Engaging in a friendly conversation with readers like Bobby, who share their experiences related to your article, adds value for everyone. Answering queries from readers like Chris demonstrates your commitment to your audience.

blog comment

However, not all feedback will be glowing. Criticism, when constructive, should be met with gratitude and a promise to address any issues promptly. Disagreements present an opportunity to clarify your stance, provided you maintain respect and professionalism.

Yet, dismissive or irrelevant critiques, especially those aimed at provoking, are best left unanswered. Your time and energy are better spent elsewhere.

Remember, while you can’t control every reaction to your article, your response to comments is within your control. Make it a point to foster a positive, constructive dialogue.

How to Avoid Being a Target for Trolls

How to Avoid Being a Target for Trolls

Anyone active online will eventually encounter trolls. These irritating, disrespectful troublemakers lurk in the shadowy recesses of internet... Read more

Be Nice and Professional

Interacting professionally and kindly is essential, not only with your audience but also with your editor. Treat your editor with the utmost respect, courtesy, and professionalism, akin to a valued client. The interconnected nature of the publishing industry means it’s crucial to maintain good relationships.

Being professional does not equate to being a pushover. If you find yourself mistreated:

  1. Calm down first. Addressing any issue with a cool head ensures you can provide constructive feedback effectively.
  2. Consider the possibility that your editor is under stress or that your submission may not have met expectations. Not every negative interaction is personal or malicious.
  3. If the issue seems to be a one-off or minor, it may be best to let it go. Empathy goes a long way, given that everyone has challenging days.
  4. Should the criticism be constructive, aim to accept and adapt without resistance. Your editor’s insights are valuable, considering their understanding of the publication’s audience and standards.
  5. If after reflection, you conclude that the working relationship is consistently detrimental, consider whether it’s worth continuing. At this juncture, employing a transparent feedback method or seeking opportunities elsewhere might be necessary.
professional blogger

This approach ensures you manage professional relationships with grace, standing up for yourself without compromising on respect and professionalism.

Final Thoughts

Securing multiple publications for your work involves more than just having a knack for writing. It’s about understanding the writing industry, sure, but it’s equally about adopting the right mindset towards your work and interactions. The attitude you bring to your writing career can significantly influence its direction and success.

Whether it’s leveraging your social networks, engaging thoughtfully in the comments, or maintaining professionalism with your editor, each step is crucial. These efforts are not just about marketing a single post; they’re about building a sustainable, rewarding career in writing.
