Get Published (Part 1): Finding The Right Site

Having one article published online is rewarding, but having multiple articles published is even more impressive. Interestingly, achieving this often depends less on your writing skills and more on your strategy for managing articles before and after publication.

Writing skills are undoubtedly essential, especially if you aim to make a living as an online writer or blogger. While it may seem obvious, the quality of much online content suggests that many overlook this fundamental aspect.

Let’s focus on the situation at hand. Imagine you’re a talented writer capable of producing beautiful prose effortlessly. That’s fantastic, but remember, thousands of other writers worldwide can do the same. So, the critical question is: How do you stand out in such a crowded field, particularly online where everyone is vying for attention? I’m glad you’re curious!

Useful Tips And Guidelines to Freelance Writing

Useful Tips And Guidelines to Freelance Writing

The freelancing world is a live battleground where entrepreneurs are required to sleep with an eye open. Read more

Identify Relevant Websites for Your Niche

Start by pinpointing what you’re passionate about writing. What topics energize you in the morning and captivate your thoughts before sleep? What subjects can you discuss endlessly? Consider your unique experiences, skills, and knowledge.

Once you’re clear on your interests, begin your search for websites that welcome contributions. Search using keywords like “(your favorite topic)” + “write for us” or “(your favorite topic)” + “guest post”. You’ll find that many sites don’t offer payment. To find paid opportunities, simply add “paid” to your search terms.

30 Best Sites to Get Paid For Writing & Blogging

30 Best Sites to Get Paid For Writing & Blogging

A comprehensive list of websites that pay you to write on them or through them. Read more

If you have broad interests, focus on one or two topics you’d enjoy writing about regularly. After all, if you’re going to make a career out of writing, it should be about topics you truly enjoy, right?

Understand Submission Guidelines Thoroughly

To learn what types of submissions a website is looking for, always read their submission guidelines carefully. These guidelines will detail their content needs, payment terms (if applicable), rights management, and other policies.

Check if the website publishes an editorial calendar. This can be crucial for crafting a timely and relevant pitch. Don’t miss reviewing their reading periods, which are typically noted in the guidelines.

submission guidelines

If there’s no editorial calendar, and you’re unsure if your idea matches their current needs, consider reaching out to…

Become a Strategic Researcher

After reviewing the guidelines, take the time to explore the site’s archived articles. This research will help you understand what types of content resonate with the site’s audience and why. Armed with this insight, you can tailor your submissions to better align with their preferences and greatly enhance your chances of acceptance.

How do you pick out articles that truly click with readers? Look for those with the highest number of shares on social media and those that have active discussions in the comments section. While these metrics don’t necessarily equate to quality, they do show that the articles have engaged readers effectively.

blog writing process

These indicators can guide you in crafting content that is likely to be well-received, considering that engaging the audience is often a primary goal for publishers.

Understand the Site and Its Audience

If you prefer a quicker approach, browse through sections labeled “Trending”, “Top Articles”, “What’s Hot”, or “Popular Now”. Note what these articles have in common. Additionally, consider following the site’s social media pages and subscribing to their e-newsletter.

By doing so, you can:

  • Get a clear picture of the site’s audience;
  • Identify recent trends in published content;
  • Gauge the effectiveness of their online marketing strategies;
  • Determine if the site aligns with your writing goals and whether it’s worth your effort to contribute;
  • Continuously learn and grow in your field. (Isn’t that exciting?)

If you’re tight on time or prefer a personal touch, consider consulting with friends who are also writers or bloggers in your niche. They can offer valuable insights on the best and worst sites to write for based on their experiences.

Personal vs. Staff Blogging: Which Is Better?

Personal vs. Staff Blogging: Which Is Better?

Gone are the days when "weblog" or "blog" for short was basically a fancy term for "online diary".... Read more

Concluding Thoughts

It’s crucial to remember that guidelines are designed to inform you before you ever reach out to the site’s team. Instead of just skimming through them, take the time to deeply understand what the site is seeking from contributors. This allows you to demonstrate that you’ve thoroughly prepared for your submission. Up next, we’ll discuss how to craft an effective pitch, negotiate terms with the site, and what steps to take after your post is published to secure more writing opportunities.

Stay tuned for upcoming insights on making a compelling pitch and maximizing your writing engagements post-publication.

Additional Insights on Guest Blogging
