Latest in: Freelance

Choosing to go freelance is a significant decision. Yet, for those who embark on this journey, it can be immensely rewarding. No matter the type of creative freelance work you pursue, there are common challenges and benefits you'll encounter. Dealing with clients and meeting deadlines are just a few examples.

We've amassed a wealth of freelance-related information that you'll find invaluable. Feel free to explore.

Boost Your Business Growth with Trust-Building Practices

Learn effective trust-building practices to improve relationships with customers, colleagues, and partners. Boost your credibility and success today!

10 Skills You Need to Be Successful Working Online

Freelancers wanting to cut costs and maintain full editorial control will frequently and aggressively invest in honing their own skills. More often th…

Hiring Freelance Contractors: 8 Things You Need to Know

Discover the benefits of hiring freelance contractors for your business. Learn how to find and work with the best talent for your projects.

The State of Freelance Writing (Why It’ll Be Dead Soon)

A few years ago, Google unleashed the Panda Algorithm on search engines and changed the way the world uses the Internet. Hundreds of thousands of free…

Freelancers: 10 Emerging Fields To Tap Into

Discover new and emerging freelance fields that can help you earn more money and expand your skill set. Explore the possibilities today!

Freelancers: How To Raise Your Rates

Learn how to raise your rates and earn more as a freelancer. Tips and strategies to help you value your work and negotiate with clients.

7 Successful Entrepreneurs Who Began As Freelancers

If you want to start a small business, you craft a plan, make some financial decisions, complete some legal statements and you are done. Sounds easy a…

3 Skills You Need to Succeed in Freelance Writing

Many look at freelancing as a hit or miss career. Some even don’t believe that writers can make a substantial income freelancing from their backyard…

5 Ways to Make Passive Income For Freelance Designers

Learn how designers can build passive income streams and earn money while they sleep. Tips, ideas, and strategies to get started.

Juggling Deadlines and Priorities 101 for Freelancers

Deadlines can be a nasty thorn for many freelancers. I feel that deadlines make me more concerned with the outcome, rather than the job itself. Also, …

Why Are People Reluctant to Invest in Quality Design?

Learn the benefits of paying for good design and how it can improve your brand's image and customer satisfaction. Boost your business today.

6 Tips to Getting More Design Projects

Graphic and web designers were among the most hit with the receding economy. With clients opting to outsource their graphic design works to freelance …
