Michael Poh

Michael is a freelance blogger and regular contributor for Hongkiat.com. He graduated from the National University of Singapore with a double major in Psychology and Communications & New Media in 2011.He believes in the power of the written word to influence and inspire. An enthusiastic video gamer, Michael is also actively engaged in various physical activities in his spare time.

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Maximizing Career Choices with MBTI Personality Type

Developed in the 1960s by mother-daughter pair, Katherine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myer, the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is based on theori…

7 Great Ways to Get Your Resume Noticed

Getting your resume noticed is the first step towards successful employment, and it may lay down the path of the rest of the recruitment stages. Sure,…

How to Rekindle Your Passion for Work

According to a study conducted by Gallup, only 13%, or one-eighth of employees across 142 countries are engaged at work. This means if you are reading…

30 Funny Remake of Blue Screen of Death (BSoD)

It can come when we least expect it, when we are happily playing our favorite game and diligently working on the report due tomorrow. Then, all of a s…

30 Impressive Graffiti and Wall Paintings

Wall paintings have existed since the earliest history of humanity. Pictorial text on cave walls and the pillars of ancient civilizations eventually m…

Extraordinary Clock Designs

There’s not a single day we don’t look at clocks, watches or other time-dictating devices to track our daily activities. For years though, we have…

40 Unusually Creative Mugs, Cups & Glasses

Nothing wakes me up better than a good cuppa in the morning. To some of us, cups, mugs, glasses; they are just something to hold our beverages; what m…

Creative Shopping Bag Designs

Would you rather have a dull and plain shopping or grocery bag with you or have something that complements your style and personality, or at least som…

5 Ways Optimism And Positive Thinking Can Backfire On You

There are tons of literature out there advocating "positive thinking" as the key to happiness. While numerous research findings have brought to light …

10 Early Technologies That Shaped Today's World

Have you ever reminisced about the technology you used as a child or teenager? It’s amazing how excited we were back then with electronics like the …

8 Tell-Tale Signs You’re A Geek

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a geek? Are geeks highly intellectual individuals who are obsessively passionate over computer technology, …

8 Legit Ways to Impress Your Boss

Apart from working hard, having the right technical skills, and always achieving all your work goals, there are other ways you can impress your boss, …