Awesome Excel Tricks to Impress Your Boss [Infographic]
For many, Excel is the go-to program for charting graphs for labwork results or for data entry and accounting. Its formula-based auto-calculations help us save time and in many jobs, it is a requirement to know how to work Excel before you even get the job. However, unknown to some, the program has plenty of tricks and shortcuts that you can use to get tedious, boring work done much, much faster.
This infographic by will show you some of these tricks you can use to speed up or skip mundane and repetitive tasks. For instance, to flash-fill cells with content in the right case (upper or lower) all you need to do is fill the first cell in the format that you want, and Ctrl + E to auto fill the rest of the column.
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Microsoft Excel, my boss loves it, I hate it to bits. It's deadly effective as a tool to... Read more
There are a few other tips included, such as how to pivot tables, apply conditional formatting, retrieve data from complex data piles and more.
Check out the infographic to find the how-to’s you need.

If you have your own Excel trick that you’d like to share with us, tell us in the comments section.