Singyin Lee

Singyin is Senior Editor and Writer for Hongkiat. She is allergic to poor Wifi and spun articles, and has been told that she drinks too much coffee. Her sense of humor has been damaged by the Internet.

Latest posts

Multitasking: Why It’s Bad & Why This Madness Has to Stop

Multitasking has been getting a bad rap and if you do multitask and seem to forget things a lot, then that means that multitasking is starting to take…

How to be a Gmail Power User [Infographic]

The Internet has been trying to kill email for forever and so far, it’s not doing a good job. Why else would there be so many guides and articles ou…

What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self?

I read an article that quoted Dropbox CEO Jeff Houston listing his 5 favorite job interview questions. One of the questions was If you were able to si…

10 Ways to Better Manage Your Facebook Feed

Facebook is full of whatever you want it to be full of. If you don’t like to see photos of your friend’s 3 meals-a-day, you can hide it. If you wa…

Revamp Your MacBook with Uncover’s Laser-Cut Lid

Learn how to uncover hidden carves on your Macbook with this helpful guide. Improve your device's performance and functionality today.

5 Ways Freelancers Are Transforming the Economy (Infographic)

If you haven’t heard, freelancers are saving the Internet and helping you to launch your startup so it isn’t far-fetched to see a future economy t…

Artists Manik and Ratan Bring Pet Dragon To Life On Paper

Manik and Ratan are a pair of twins based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Both brothers are graphic artists, cartoonists, designers and animators. They both als…

Excel Shortcuts [Infographic]

Excel has always been associated with office work and spreadsheets (and less associated with the oh-so-cool production of artwork) which are long, mun…

20 Things The Internet Killed [Infographic]

The Internet has been a major game-changer. It changed the way we communicate, the way we share information, the way we act under the blanket of anony…

How to Make People Love Your Blog

People blog for a variety of reasons. Some find it good exercise, others aspire to be an award-winning author one day, and still others just need some…

Perfectionists At Work: 30 Examples You Need To See

You have probably read about the scientific reason why we want to hug or squeeze something insanely cute or adorable – to death. The condition is ca…

What’s More Important Than Intelligence for Success?

What’s more important than intelligence for success? Well, Science is saying… quite a few things. Instead of just banking on intelligence and good…