5 Ways Freelancers Are Transforming the Economy (Infographic)
If you haven’t heard, freelancers are saving the Internet and helping you to launch your startup so it isn’t far-fetched to see a future economy that is being transformed by the freelancing industry. Originally a career path for those who were rendered unemployed by economic pressures and changes in the industry, the gig economy has become the chosen path for as many as 5 million workers in the UK alone.
So how has this on-demand economy changed the working landscape? This infographic has a handful of the answers, focusing on areas such as the observable switch from a lifelong career to a portfolio career (which consists of short-term assignments).
Freelancers are also becoming masters of their own job preferences, functioning as professionals rather than workers tied down to a company’s policy, culture or singular direction. Check out the rest of the infographic to find out how freelancers are making a change in the economy.

(H/T: On Stride Financials)
Want to consider a career in freelancing? Read about the 9 things you should know about freelancing full-time first. For more posts on what it is like to be a freelancer, check out our Freelance category.