Latest in: Web Developers

Three Ways to Create HTML Documents on the Fly

Creating HTML documents on the fly, with or without JavaScript, is sometimes necessary. Whether the goal is to display an acknowledgment page or an if…

CSS Starter Kit for Developers – Shoelace.css

Frontend developers need all the best resources they can get. Usually, this means working on top of a framework such as Bootstrap because it comes pac…

Introduction to Shared Memory in JavaScript

Shared memory is an advanced feature of JavaScript, that threads (concurrently executed parts of a process) can leverage. Sharing the memory means not…

5 HTML Elements You Might Not Know How to Use

Familiar yet unknown, or utterly new, it happens that we miss out parts of the HTML syntax that might turn out to be important knowledge we can put to…

Automate Your PHP Coding with PHPbot

Anything that can save time on a dev project is worth trying. Developers know this better than anyone, which is why IDE plugins and complex regex snip…

An Introduction to Web Workers JavaScript API

Web Workers is a JavaScript API that allows you to run scripts in a separate thread from the main one. It can come in handy when you don’t want any …

Create Fast Masonry Grid Layouts with Bricks.js

It’s always been pretty simple to create grids with jQuery, using plugins and free tutorials from developers. However, masonry grids are tougher to …

Getting Started with Webpack [With Example Project]

Webpack is a module bundler that facilitates building complex JavaScript applications. It has gained serious traction since the React community chose …
