Build Dev Projects Faster with This Free Boilerplate Gallery
You have access to hundreds of free code libraries at your fingertips. There’s no need to build projects from scratch when you can lean on the open-source community for help.
But, how do you search through hundreds of libraries to find one that best suits your needs? That’s what makes Boilrplate so useful.
This website curates all the best boilerplate templates for all kinds of projects from websites to mobile apps. You can search for whatever language you’re using and quickly sort through all the best boilerplate templates for a new project.
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Each page is very well-organized and you won’t feel overburdened with too many choices. In fact, I would argue this site is designed for people who want to find the best library fast.
Take for example the jQuery page, full of boilerplate templates for making apps & plugins. Each one features the total stars & watches on GitHub, along with a direct link to the project.
You can see exactly when the project was created, when it was last updated, and the total size of all the files in the repo. All of this info can help you make decisions at a glance without too much effort.
The only downside is that Boilrplate only curates items from GitHub, so open-source projects without a repo are not counted. But the vast majority of boilerplate setups are on GitHub, so you still have your pick of the litter.

You’ll find resources for both frontend (HTML, CSS, jQuery) and backend code (PHP, Rails). The site also features a ton of boilerplate templates for frontend libraries such as React, Angular, and Bootstrap.
App developers can find boilerplates for iOS & Android apps, with plenty of options to pick from.
This is probably the best resource for planning your next project if you wanna save time coding. But, take a look at the homepage to search through all the languages available.
And, if you have any questions or suggestions for boilerplates you can message the app’s creator on Twitter @JulienCoulaud.
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