Latest in: Artificial Intelligence

Revolutionize Your Logo Design with Brandmark’s AI Technology

Not too long ago, I wrote about Fontjoy, a web tool developed by Jack Qiao that uses artificial intelligence in order to pair fonts. After developing …

This Image Analyser Uses A.I Power to Identify Photos

A rather large number of tech companies have been busy training their artificial intelligence systems to recognize objects in images. Sound though the…

Google AutoDraw – A.I Autocorrect That Fixes Your Scribble

Drawing can be difficult, particularly if you’re someone like me who has absolutely no artistic talent whatsoever. But if you just want to come out …

Facebook Introduces an A.I. Assistant Into its Messenger App

In 2015, Facebook teased the world with M, a digital assistant that is made for the Messenger app. Now, two years after it was first revealed, M can n…

Understanding Artificial Intelligence – and Why We Fear It

Whether we admit it or not, we have a serious fixation with trying to create machines that can think for themselves – machines imbued with artificia…
