How to Use zip in Linux

Learn to use Linux's zip command for bundling files, creating secure archives, and managing backups effectively.

The zip command in Linux is a straightforward utility used for packaging and compressing (or ‘zipping’) files and directories into a single, smaller file, typically with a .zip extension.

This is especially useful when you need to transport or backup multiple files or directories, as they can be bundled together into one .zip file. The zip command also supports password protection, which can provide a basic level of security for your zipped files.

It’s worth mentioning that there are several other commands for compressing and packaging files in Linux, such as tar and gzip.

Here are some ways to use the zip command:

1. Create a Zip Archive

The basic syntax for creating a zip archive is zip archive_name file_name.


To create a zip archive named that contains a file named file.txt, you would use:

zip file.txt
2. Add Multiple Files to a Zip Archive

You can add multiple files to a zip archive by specifying multiple file names.


zip file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
3. Add a Directory to a Zip Archive

You can add a directory and all its contents to a zip archive using the -r (or --recurse-paths) option.


zip -r directory
4. Add Files to an Existing Zip Archive

You can add files to an existing zip archive with the same zip command.


zip newfile.txt
5. Exclude Files

If you want to add a directory but exclude certain files, you can use the -x option.


zip -r directory -x *.jpg

This command adds the directory to but excludes all .jpg files.

6. Create a Password-Protected Zip Archive

You can create a password-protected zip archive using the -e option.


zip -e file.txt

After running this command, you will be prompted to enter and verify a password.

7. Display the Progress

If you’re compressing a large file or directory, you might want to display the progress. You can do this with the -v (or --verbose) option.


zip -rv directory

Compressing Files: zip vs tar vs gzip

, tar, and gzip are all Linux commands capable for compressing files, but they work in slightly different ways and have different use cases:


zip creates compressed archives that are entirely self-contained with the compression and archiving done at the same time.

This means zip can compress multiple files into a single .zip file without needing any other tools. zip files are widely used and recognized, not only in Linux but also in Windows and macOS.

Another distinctive feature of zip is that it supports password-based encryption for files, providing a basic level of security.


tar (Tape Archive) on the other hand, unlike zip and gzip, tar itself does not compress files; it’s used to bundle multiple files and directories into a single .tar file (also known as a tarball). This makes file management easier, especially for backup and transport.

The tar command is often used in conjunction with compression utilities like gzip to create compressed archives.

Related: How to use tar in Linux


gzip (GNU zip) only compresses a single file or stream of data. If you need to compress multiple files or directories with gzip, you’ll typically use tar first to bundle everything into a single file, and then compress the tarball with gzip, resulting in a .tar.gz file.

To sum things up:

  • zip is a handy all-in-one tool for creating compressed archives, particularly when cross-platform compatibility or encryption is needed.
  • tar is great for bundling multiple files and directories, and
  • gzip is often used in combination with tar for compressing those bundles.

Each utility has its strengths and typical use cases, so the choice often depends on your specific needs.

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