How to Use the ‘ln’ Command in Linux

Learn how to use the 'ln' command in Linux for better file organization and system customization.

The ln command in Linux, short for “link,” is a powerful tool that allows users to create links between files and directories. By creating these connections, it facilitates efficient file management and organization within the Linux operating system. Similar to commands like cp for copying files, the ln command provides a way to reference the same content from different locations without duplicating the data.

It’s commonly used for creating symbolic links, which can be handy for managing configurations, scripts, or shared resources. For those looking to streamline their workflow, the ln command can be used alongside other commands such as chmod to set permissions, or find to locate files. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a Linux beginner, understanding the ln command opens up new possibilities in file management and system customization.

How to Use ln

1. Creating a Hard Link


Explanation: Creates a hard link to a file.

Example: ln file1.txt link1.txt



No output is shown in the terminal, indicating success. A hard link named link1.txt to the file file1.txt has been created.

2. Creating a Symbolic Link

Syntax: ln -s TARGET LINK_NAME

Explanation: Creates a symbolic link to a file or directory.

Example: ln -s /path/to/original/file.txt symlink.txt



No output is shown in the terminal, indicating success. A symbolic link named symlink.txt pointing to /path/to/original/file.txt has been created.

3. Creating a Symbolic Link to a Directory


Explanation: Creates a symbolic link to a directory.

Example: ln -s /path/to/original/directory linked_directory



No output is shown in the terminal, indicating success. A symbolic link named linked_directory pointing to /path/to/original/directory has been created.

4. Creating a Hard Link with Verbose Output

Syntax: ln -v TARGET LINK_NAME

Explanation: Creates a hard link to a file and displays a message describing the action.

Example: ln -v file2.txt link2.txt


$ ln -v file2.txt link2.txt
'link2.txt' -> 'file2.txt'

The terminal output shows the message link2.txt' -> 'file2.txt, indicating that a hard link named link2.txt to the file file2.txt has been created.

5. Creating a Hard Link in a Specific Directory


Explanation: Creates a hard link to a file in a specific directory.

Example: ln file3.txt /path/to/directory



No output is shown in the terminal, indicating success. A hard link to file3.txt has been created in the specified directory.

6. Creating Symbolic Links Interactively

Syntax: ln -si TARGET LINK_NAME

Explanation: Creates a symbolic link, prompting before overwriting existing files.

Example: ln -si /path/to/file4.txt symlink4.txt


$ ln -si /path/to/file4.txt symlink4.txt
ln: replace 'symlink4.txt'? y

The terminal prompts the user to confirm overwriting the existing symlink4.txt. The user enters ‘y‘, and the symbolic link is created.

7. Creating a Hard Link with a Backup of Existing Destination Files

Syntax: ln -b TARGET LINK_NAME

Explanation: Creates a hard link, making a backup of an existing destination file.

Example: ln -b file5.txt link5.txt



No output is shown in the terminal, indicating success. If link5.txt already existed, a backup is created, and the hard link is made.

8. Creating a Symbolic Link with Custom Suffix for Backup

Syntax: ln -s -b --suffix=.backup TARGET LINK_NAME

Explanation: Creates a symbolic link, making a backup of an existing destination file with a custom suffix.

Example: ln -s -b --suffix=.backup /path/to/file6.txt symlink6.txt



No output is shown in the terminal, indicating success. If symlink6.txt already existed, a backup with the suffix .backup is created, and the symbolic link is made.

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