How to Reveal Hidden Keyboard Buttons on Your iPad

Note: This post was first published on May 25, 2012.

The split keyboard on the iPad is a handy tool that makes typing easier and fits well with the mobile experience. However, one challenge of using a split keyboard is reaching a button on the opposite side of the keyboard.

Bringing the split keyboard closer together could help, but there’s an even better way to make typing more comfortable – introducing the ‘hidden buttons’. These hidden buttons reveal six letters, three on each side of your split keyboard, as shown above.

Activate Split Keyboard

There are two easy ways to split your iPad’s keyboard. First, you can touch the settings icon at the bottom right corner of your keyboard and select ‘Split’.

iPad Split button

The second way is to use your two fingers to drag the keyboard apart, and it will split in two.

iPad split keyboard

The Phantom Buttons

When the keyboard is split, the phantom buttons are ready to use. Although they are not visible, you can use them like any other keyboard buttons.

hidden iPad button

Before using these hidden keys, you need to tap any key on the keyboard panel. For example, if you need to hit the hidden Y, H, and B on the left side, you must first tap any key on the left keyboard panel. The same goes for the hidden T, G, and V.


Whether you use the normal or split keyboard, these hidden buttons will surely make typing on your iPad easier and more comfortable.
