Add New ‘Send To’ Destination in Windows: A Step-by-Step Guide
When transferring files out of your computer in Windows 7 or 8, you will normally right click on the required file, then select the ‘Send to’ option. You can then send the file via Bluetooth, third-party services like Dropbox or Evernote among a few other destinations.
However, some of these destinations may not be what you need or even use at all. Wouldn’t it prefer to customize these destinations as you like?
With a little tweak in Windows operating system you can add more locations to ‘Send to’ without the need of any external softwares.
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Getting Started
To add more locations to the ‘Send to’ menu, search for ‘Run’ from the Windows Start Menu.

In the box that pops up, type ‘shell:sendto’ and press Enter.

You will arrive at a folder where you can add in your choice of destinations. To add, just drag and drop the location icon or copy and paste the shortcut of the destination you want.

Check to see if your destination as been added, just right-click on any file and hover over ‘Send to’.

You can insert as many destinations as needed under the ‘Send to’ option.