Hongkiat Lim

Founder and Editor in Chief of Hongkiat.com. Hongkiat is also a designer, developer, entrepreneur, and an active investor in the US stock market.

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10+ Free CD and DVD Case Templates in PSD

If you have a product to sell or promote and they come in the form of CDs or DVDs, it’s good to present them in a disc-case visual. For those who ar…

Mac Icons: 50+ Free High Quality iMac, Macbook Icon Sets

Free icons are great, they are better when they are in high quality and comes in a variety of different formats. Thanks to a great number of generous …

5 Photoshop Tricks for Better Productivity

Reader Douglas R. reached out and asked us to share some useful tips and shortcuts for getting around Photoshop more efficiently. We found this to be …

Google Offices (Googleplex) Around The World, Vol. 1

How well you work is often dictated by the people surrounding you as well as the place that you’re working at. Google is one of the places that many…

40+ Hand-Picked Icon Design Photoshop Tutorials

Editor’s note: For a newer, updated version of this post, check it out here. We know we can always count on the Internet for free quality icons, but…

Making Panorama With Photoshop, The Faster Way

Do you know you can create panorama photo with Adobe Photoshop? We are not talking about the manual way but rather automatic. With the help of Adobe B…

Smarter Way To Prevent Image Hotlinking with .htaccess

Have you noticed someone stealing your images, directly taking the URL and display on their websites without your permission? This is what we call ima…

How to Display Feed Subscriber Count in Text

I believe you’ve seen websites and blogs that uses the text-based Feedburner subscriber count instead of the chicklet. I hope you are not getting th…

28 Nice and Creative Tech Advertisements

Whenever you flipped through a tech related magazine, how often you stopped and stare at a tech ad for more than 3 seconds. Chance are most of us will…

Play Music With Mac’s Terminal

Learn how to play music using your Mac's terminal with this easy tutorial. Perfect for tech-savvy music lovers.

50+ Free High-res Blank Template Stock Photos

Blank templates are stock photos designed in such a way where some parts are blanked-out so you can insert your own creatives. These type of stock pho…

30 Really Nice IronMan Wallpapers

IronMan is my favorite superhero mainly because I love cool new technology, and also, I’m a big fan of Robert Downey Jr. (the guy who plays IronMan …