Anna Monus

Anna is Technical Editor and Writer for She mainly covers front-end frameworks, web standards, accessibility, WordPress development, and UX design.

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How to Use CSS Transitions & Animations to Highlight Changes

Designers and artists have a long history of experimenting with motion, effects, and different kinds of illusions with the aim of adding an extra laye…

Utility Navigation: How it Influences User Experience Design

To design an effective and user-friendly navigation, we don’t only need to think about how to group our content into well-structured menus to enable…

10 Steps to Creating a Professional-Looking WordPress Admin

Whether you build WordPress sites for clients, have your own multi-authored blog, or just want a more personalized look for your site, there are many …

10 WordPress Admin Themes to Rebrand the Backend

WordPress has become the most popular content management system mainly because of its high customizability. It’s built upon the WordPress Core, the …

10 CSS3 Animation Tools You Should Bookmark

As people tend to more easily perceive things that move, smartly used animations can enhance the user experience of a site by drawing attention to imp…

20 Ways to Challenge Yourself This Year For Web Developers

If you want to improve professionally in your career, it’s always a good idea to plan ahead. The beginning of the New Year is an excellent time for …

ECMAScript 6 – 10 Awesome New Features

Did you know that JavaScript (along with JScript and ActionScript) is an implementation of a general-purpose client-side scripting language specificat…

Flat 2.0 & How It Solves Flat Design’s Usability Problems

Flat design has been around since as early as the 1950s when the International Typographic Style was developed. In recent times it has gained wide pop…

Smart Holiday Shopping with Amazon’s Recommendation Engine

At Christmas time many of us are struggling with choosing the most suitable gift for our loved ones. Gift hunting for Christmas may require days of pl…

Create Your Own Advent Calendar with JavaScript

Advent marks a period of anticipation leading up to Christmas, starting four Sundays before December 25. Traditionally, this time is tracked using an …

Foundation 6: 10 New Features

Developers of the Foundation front-end framework haven’t just sat on their laurels while the Bootstrap team have been working on their impressive ne…

Generic TLDs and How They Are Changing The Internet

If you are an attentive web user, lately you could see new kind of domains here and there, such as .jobs, .photo, .cafe, .xyz, and many others. The fi…