Easy Color Scheme Creation with Adobe Kuler for iOS
Designing for the web, an app, or print requires choosing the right colors. There are many tools and resources that can help you pick the right color scheme. But what about an option that lets you do it directly from your iOS device?
Adobe Kuler, a well-known color scheme generator, has launched a free iOS app that helps you create color schemes directly on your iPhone or iPad (iOS 5.1 or later). After trying it, I found it impressively simple.
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Creating Color Schemes
Unlike the web app, Adobe Kuler for iOS lets you generate a color scheme from a photo, even creating it instantly as you take the picture.

If you’re taking pictures handheld, the screen might shake, and the color scheme might keep changing. To freeze the image, tap on the screen. You can then move the color dots to capture different colors from within the image.

To automate this, make changes in the menu at the bottom right of the app. Adobe Kuler can capture a color scheme after taking a picture, which also works for existing photos.

Once the color scheme is created, you can adjust the colors. The adjustment rules can be switched to Analogous, Triad, Monochromatic, or Complementary for different combinations.

Besides capturing color schemes from a picture, the app also allows you to create a scheme from the color wheel, similar to the web app.

Saving Color Schemes
By default, generated color schemes are saved locally on your phone. But you can share them to Adobe Kuler with an Adobe ID and choose to make them public.

Final Thoughts
Using Adobe Kuler for iOS makes generating color schemes much easier. It’s a solid app with added features compared to the web version. Try it out and let us know what you think.