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How to Organize Webinars to Generate Leads

Webinars are a great way to generate leads, and smart companies are already using this strategy to get more customers. Whenever a webinar is started, …

Employers: Getting Gen-X & Millennials to Work Together

In today’s business organizations, a boss is like an orchestra conductor. I borrowed this analogy because like a conductor who sets the tempo and en…

Dashboard Design: 50+ Brilliant Examples and Resources

We live in the world of big data and most people need to make sense of these numbers as a part of their workflow routine. Managing data is a challengi…

Financial Advice: 8 Things You Should Know by 30

For many people, being in the ’20-something’ mindset is an excuse to make fun (sometimes poor) financial decisions. While turning 30 is not necess…

50 Icon Design Tutorials for Designers

Designers are visual creatures which judge a book by its cover. It’s no secret that icons have a huge impact in website design as well as applicatio…

How to Create a Switch UI Using CSS Mask

In image processing, masking is a technique that allows you to hide an image with another. A mask is used to make a portion of an image see-through. Y…

How to Master Microcopy for Web Designers

Content-writing makes up the vast majority of all websites because it’s the easiest content to produce and consume. The style of writing is a big fa…

The Definitive Guide to CSS Pseudo-Classes

Whether you are a novice or an experienced CSS developer, you probably have heard of pseudo-classes. The most well known pseudo-class is probably :hov…

20 Yummy Hamburger Menu Animations

A hamburger menu primarily triggers a sliding drawer navigation which contains links to pages all over the website. Sliding drawer navigation menus ar…
