Latest in: self improvement

How to Improve Your Proofreading Skills

With every blog post, newspaper article, book, magazine, or other reading materials, editing and proofreading are essential steps. If no proofreading …

Financial Tips: 8 Key Things to Know by Age 30

For many, the twenties are a time to enjoy life, often leading to adventurous but questionable financial choices. While the arrival of your thirties d…

10 Study Methods to Supercharge Your Mind

Everyone hates tests, scratch that, everyone hates studying for tests. When trying to justify that you had studied what was taught for the whole semes…

How to Deal with Criticism

Criticism can tear you apart, but only if you allow it to do that. Accepting criticism is an essential part of improving one’s skills. A person alwa…

How to Handle Writing Deadlines

The writing process is a creative process, for the most part, and when it comes to having too much freedom to work with, sometimes time is not of the …

How to Keep Your Design Skills Fresh

A designer’s skill set can very quickly become obsolete in this day and age. Designers need to know more skills than ever before, and client expecta…

How to Harness Your Inner Creativity

"I’d love to do creative work! But how do you think of all these crazy things?" It seems that creativity is magic, a mystical process, the secrets t…
