Latest in: self improvement

How to Rekindle Your Passion for Work

According to a study conducted by Gallup, only 13%, or one-eighth of employees across 142 countries are engaged at work. This means if you are reading…

How to Become A Better Writer

I was previously part of a group of freelance writers who were convinced that they were special. In the group are content writers like me who make a l…

Man to Machine: How to Reboot Your Humanity

Computer technology is everywhere, in multiple formats, under different patents, most calling for the same outcome behavior – use. Unfortunately, c…

How to Turn Criticism Into Inspiration

As creatives, criticism is part and parcel of our careers. Yet, because of our artistic sensitivity, we can often be the least prepared to deal with i…

How to Give Someone Constructive Criticism

The Internet has brainwashed us into believing that we can grow old but don’t have to grow up – but you know you have to, eventually; the bills do…

How Creative Bounds Can Bring Out Your Creative Best

Designers may argue that in order to be effective, creativity should be given infinite space rather than be walled around by certain fixed metrics or …

8 Quick-Fixes to Boost Your Creativity Instantly

Having the dreaded writer’s block or designer’s block? Can’t you come up with an ingenious idea for your company project? What if I tell you tha…

Financial Advice: 8 Things You Should Know by 30

For many people, being in the ’20-something’ mindset is an excuse to make fun (sometimes poor) financial decisions. While turning 30 is not necess…
