Realistic Paper Art by Fideli Sundqvist
There are plenty of artists out there working with all sorts of materials. From recycled junk to colorful small Lego pieces, there are a variety of options available to the everyday creative. However, there’s still a lot to be said about good ol’ paper.
There are some who are able to take this versatile medium and really bring it to life. Fideli Sundqvist is one such artist.
Hailing from Sweden, Fideli has the ability to use paper in a way that really leaves you in awe. Her creativity and the detail involved in her artwork is something that can easily capture a person’s imagination.
Recommended Reading: Masters Of Paper Art And Paper Sculptures, Part II
From showcasing famous fragrances to creating a giant pencil, her skill with crafting paper is definitely a sight to behold.
Take a look below to see just some of her beautiful pieces. If you want more, take a look at her portfolio here.






