55 Incredible MOBA Character Fan Art Pieces
Hey there, fellow gamers and art enthusiasts! Are you ready to dive into the electrifying world of MOBA (Multiple Online Battle Arenas) games and the stunning fan art they inspire?
Games like ‘League of Legends‘, ‘Dota 2‘, and ‘Heroes of Newerth‘ aren’t just about strategic gameplay; they’re a canvas for some of the most awe-inspiring and breathtaking visual artistry out there.
In today’s post, I’m beyond excited to share a curated selection of ‘55 Incredible MOBA Character Fan Art Pieces‘ that will leave you in awe. These aren’t just any fan-created artworks; they are masterpieces that rival, and sometimes even surpass, the original game art.
So, whether you’re a hardcore MOBA player or just appreciate the fusion of art and gaming, these fan art pieces are something you don’t want to miss. Let’s embark on this visual journey together and celebrate the creativity and talent of the MOBA community!
League Of Legends (LoL)
Support Lulu? No! I’m Warlord Lulu!

Riven In Noxus



Zap Zap Volibear

Candy Burglar Ziggs

Runic Bulwark OP


Elise Vs Vladimir

Demacian Justice Garen

Demonblade Tryndamere

Serious Shaco

Sion Splash

Wukong Vs Amumu

Annie and Tibbers

Defense of The Ancients 2 (DotA 2)

Leviathan The Tidehunter

Mask Off

Dragon Knight Vs Jakiro

Lion’s Prey

The Warlock

Pudge Vs Meepo



Phantom Assassin The Mortred

Phantom Assassin

Feed The Swarm

Heroes of DotA 2

Clinkz Bone

Rikimaru SA

Vengeful Spirit



Chaos Knight

Axe of Dota


Radiant Vs Dire

Heroes of Newerth (HoN)


Magebane Vs Devourer


Scout Vs Sandwraith

Heavy Gauntlet

Electrician Shield


Huge Deadwood