Gboard will be making its way to Android soon
Six months ago Google launched the Gboard, a keyboard that comes with Google Search Bar, on iOS. Leaving Android users out in the cold. This will no longer be the case as Google is incorporating Gboard for Android devices soon.
For the most part, the function of Gboard on Android is identical to iOS. Users can Google Search directly from the keyboard and they can copy or link information into the chat with just a single tap.

Besides your standard information search, the Google Search Bar can also search emojis. Tap on the emoji button and you’ll see a search field located just above the emoji library. From there, type in the nature of the emoji and the emoji library will pull out any emoji that is relevant to the search.
GIF search will also be available on Gboard, allowing you to search and drop animated images right into the chat windows. However, this feature will only be available on supported apps such as Google Hangouts.

Finally, here are some neat new options that can be found in the keyboard settings. You can now toggle the number of rows to be displayed permanently on-screen for every text field. Multiple languages are also enabled in the autocorrect system, allowing bilingual users to mix and match languages in a single message.
The Gboard will be making its way to Android devices via an update to Google Keyboard. Once you’ve downloaded and installed the update, Gboard will replace Google Keyboards as the de facto keyboard.
The update is expected to be available within the next few days, but if would like to get ahead, you can always grab the update from APKMirror.
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