50+ Beautiful Flash Websites for Your Inspiration
Flash websites can be amazing, but they can also be awful. Like any powerful and versatile technology, Flash can be overused and misused. The advent of HTML5 as competition for Flash will probably be just as overused and misused once it is in place.
As someone who is not a developer, I don’t foresee HTML5 making Flash redundant. To me, that is like saying the music system could make the TV set redundant. I think they will sit nicely together, each with their own place and function, but possibly also work side by side. However, I reiterate that I am not a developer.
In these days of high technology, it is unusual for a new technology to completely override existing technology. If developers continue to stay on top of the game, there is no reason why there can’t be room for more technologies to join forces with existing ones.
This collection of Flash websites is designed to illustrate the huge job that HTML5 developers have if they really think they can outdo Flash completely. These are examples of Flash used as it should be, showcasing the beauty of using Flash and how to effectively build a website using Flash.
Track Carlos

The Secret Annex Online

GE Smart Grid

AgencyNet 2.0

National Grid Floe

MSNBC Spectra


Marc Ecko

Got milk?

Vodafone Clear Magazine

Sandiego Zoo – Polar Bear Plunge

Toyota Avalon


Paul Steel Music

The Coney Island Experience

Immersive Garden

Omni-Feedback Start the Change

James Quantz Jr. Photography

LogicBomb Media

Silver Pistol Digital Agency

Michael Berger Hotel

2 Advanced Studios

Chemical Box

Christmas Tweets

VOB Nedir

Vision Five Design

Miki Mottes

Boca Lupo


Disneyland Summer Nightastic (Facebook login required)

DOCC – Riz MC MICroscope Lab

Braun Offroad Rally

BYD F0 Microsite

Planeta Volkswagen

The Navarasa

Summer Festival

The White Rabbit

World of TeleWare

GT3 Creative

Save the Turtles Game

Critter Creative

Operation Dairy

Big Boss Studio

Dido Safe Trip Home

Frito Lay Dips & Chips: Made for Each Other

Nordic Insurance Company: The Bad Luck Test

A Girl Story

Battle of the Cheetos

Parallel Lines – Philips

Waterlife – NFB

Magnetic North

Coca-Cola Happiness Factory

Prism Girl

Gears of War – Emergence Day

Do you think Flash will become a thing of the past? As a developer, are you ready to take on the new HTML5 in place of Flash? Please share with us any thoughts you have on the Flash vs HTML5 issues, or on totally Flash-built websites.