Azzief Khaliq

Azzief is a writer for He is also a musician, Android user and all around nerd. He loves his tea and spends far too much time thinking about video games.

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10 Essential E-Commerce Tools for Your Business

Discover 10 essential tools to boost your e-commerce business, from improving conversion rates to enhancing customer engagement.

Gift Ideas For Professional DSLR Users

DSLR is the perfect camera used by almost every professional photographer and videographer. If you have a DSLR photography enthusiast among your frien…

5 Open Source Synthesizers You Can Build And Hack

The whole do-it-yourself (DIY), open source maker electronics scene that’s really gained in popularity over the past few years has led to a lot of r…

M-Commerce: Why Going Mobile Is Important For Businesses

Everyone knows that e-commerce is a constantly growing part of the larger retail and commerce landscape, but did you know that mobile commerce is grow…

10 Electronics DIY Kits and Modules to Experiment With

DIY electronics used to be the domain of the super geeky, but over the past few years Arduino and the Raspberry Pi have given rise to a whole new cult…

Betty: Transform Everyday English Into Linux Terminal Commands

The world of the Linux terminal might seem daunting at first, likened to needing a Siri for the terminal to simplify tasks. While it’s true that eve…

How Amazon’s Fire OS Will Change the Way We Shop

Amazon’s debut smartphone is garnering significant interest, primarily due to its head-tracking feature. The fact that this is Amazon’s first fora…

Selling Amazon’s Upcoming Smartphone: A Challenging Task

If rumors are to be believed, Amazon are set to unveil their very first smartphone very soon – this June 18, to be precise – with what seems to be…

5 New Technologies Used in FIFA World Cup

Technology is heavily used in many major and international sports events, for instance 6.6 pounds makes all the difference between a gold and a silver…

10 Futuristic Technology That May Come True (Very Soon)

Technology never stands still: it’s always changing, adapting and progressing, and oftentimes things that seemed improbable (or even impossible) one…