Thoriq Firdaus

Thoriq is a writer for with a passion for web design and development. He is the author of Responsive Web Design by Examples, where he covered his best approaches in developing responsive websites quickly with a framework.

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5 Reasons Why I Don’t Install WordPress Plugins

… well not ALL WordPress plugins, just the bad ones. Like every other tool out there, there are some plugins that work for you, e.g. for creating co…

A Look Into Atom: Github’s New Code Editor

Github, a popular git repository that hosts a ton of open source projects, has recently announced a new code editor called Atom which shook the “cod…

How to Create WordPress Custom Fields The Easy Way

WordPress provides the essential fields that allow us to publish posts and pages. A few of these fields include the Content Editor, Category Options, …

Find and Install WordPress Plugins via Github

WordPress plugins are “officially” distributed through the WordPress-owned plugin repository. You can search for any kind of plugin to add extra f…

Let’s Talk About Mobile Emulation in Google Chrome

Simply said, we love Google Chrome. It runs smoothly, looks simple, and has many useful Apps. From a developer’s point of view, Google Chrome is alw…

What’s New In Codekit 2

Codekit 2 was released a few weeks ago, and as expected, there are some big changes in this new version. For those of you who’ve just heard of it, C…

How to Manage and Use Code Snippets in WordPress

In previous posts, we have gone through some WordPress customization that involve code addition in functions.php. These additions enhance the function…

12 Essential Plugins for WordPress Developers

As the current most-used CMS, WordPress has numerous plugins that enhances its capabilities. To name a few, there is a very popular plugin called WooC…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (March 2014)

We have been covering this series for almost two years. But it seems that the resources for developers and designers are infinite; every month, there …

Easy Mac Setup: Install PHP, Apache & MySQL – Part III

This is the last part of our series: Install PHP, Apache, and MySQL in Mac without MAMP. And if you have been following the series (see Part 1 and Par…

Setup PHP, Apache, and MySQL in Mac without MAMP – Part II

In the previous tutorial of this series, we have configured Apache and PHP and thus we are able to run .php files in our local server. As a follow up,…

Install PHP, Apache, And MySQL In Mac Without MAMP

Using MAMP is probably the easiest way to have PHP, Apache, and MySQL up and running in OS X. You simply put the application in the Application folder…