Thoriq Firdaus

Thoriq is a writer for with a passion for web design and development. He is the author of Responsive Web Design by Examples, where he covered his best approaches in developing responsive websites quickly with a framework.

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How to Synchronously Test Your Website on Multiple Browsers & Devices

When building a responsive website we’ll need to test it in multiple screen-sizes to make sure that the site layout is rendered properly on those va…

10 WordPress Plugins to Improve Mobile Websites

You can use a WordPress plugin to create landing pages, customize your login page, adopt two-factor authentication, or even figure out how to optimize…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (May 2019)

The Web has changed a lot compared to when I just got started in this industry. Native Web API are more standardized across the browsers, and new CSS …

A Guide to CSS3 Pseudo-Classes For Web Designers

:hover, :focus, and :active are just a few of the selectors CSS offers to target elements under specific conditions. However, today’s focus is on a …

Creating CSS Image Sprite with Compass

CSS Image Sprite is a method of combining several images into one image file to reduce HTTP requests and optimize web load performance. There are many…

Writing CSS with Myth For Web Designers

CSS has introduced a slew of new features such as CSS Gradients, Shadows, Border Radius, and Animation that can all be achieved purely with CSS. Sever…

Beginner’s Guide to Using Handlebars.js

In this post, we are going to look into Handlebars, a JavaScript templating engine based on Mustache. It shares the same functionalities with Mustache…

How to Debug Websites on iPad

With billions of mobile users nowadays, building viewable websites on mobile devices is indispensable. Luckily, we’ve got many tools and options for…

How to Install WordPress via Command Line

I assume that many people would do the following to install WordPress in local server: Download the Package from, unpack it, put the fil…

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (March 2019)

A lot has happened during the last few months in the world of web development. Firstly, the new block-based editor, codenamed Gutenberg, has finally b…

Easy WordPress Installation on Local Computer with ServerPress

To develop WordPress locally on our computer, we need a local server with Apache and MySQL installed on the computer. The easiest way to get these is …