Michael Poh

Michael is a freelance blogger and regular contributor for Hongkiat.com. He graduated from the National University of Singapore with a double major in Psychology and Communications & New Media in 2011.He believes in the power of the written word to influence and inspire. An enthusiastic video gamer, Michael is also actively engaged in various physical activities in his spare time.

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8 Quick-Fixes to Boost Your Creativity Instantly

Having the dreaded writer’s block or designer’s block? Can’t you come up with an ingenious idea for your company project? What if I tell you tha…

Survive Office: 7 (More) Tips For Moving Up Corporate Ladder

We spend about a quarter of our life working. Other than choosing a job that provides food on the table and pays our bills, most of us also look for a…

8 Online Shopping Traps to Avoid This Holiday Season

Shopping can be so effortless these days that we can literally do it with our fingers, be it through swipes and taps on our portable smart device or s…

How to Beat Designer’s Block and Regain Creativity

Just as freelance bloggers like me face writer’s blocks, freelance designers also experience their creative blocks from time to time. It can be extr…

5 Things to Consider Before Accepting a Job Offer

So you’ve got your resume noticed, confidently answered the top ten interview questions and your dream company is offering you a job offer. Your hea…

5 Reasons Why Introverts Are Awesome

In our modern society where the assertive, charismatic personalities are favored over the solitary, silent individuals, an introvert is often seen as …

8 Practical Tips to Secure Your Cloud Data

Because of cloud-based storage services, you don’t have to bring your portable storage device wherever you go. From Google Drive to Dropbox, cloud s…

8 Things You Didn’t Know Are Making You Less Productive

The regular remedy to uplift moods for higher motivation and productivity is getting enough sleep, exercising and spending time with loved ones. This …

10 Good Habits to Develop an Innovative Mind

If I could sum it all up, creativity is really about being able to see associations when others couldn’t. Being innovative, on the other hand, is ab…

8 Technologies That Will Shape Future Classrooms

What does the future of learning hold? What will classrooms of the future be like? Emerging technologies such as cloud computing, augmented reality (A…

The Future of Cinematic Pleasure: 3D Movies and Beyond

3D films have been around longer than most people think. They’ve existed for about a century – since 1915! We’ve seen the growing popularity of …

10 Most Influential Video Games Of All Time

There’s probably no consensus on what the top 10 video games ever released are but most of us have an inkling based on review sites and word-of-mout…