iPad Wallpapers for Video Gamers

If you own an iPad, you’ve most likely experimented with its many features. One of the great features is the ability to customize and personalize your iPad to reflect your personality which can be done by selecting a wallpaper that reflects who you are.

And if you’re a gamer, then you’ll love all the game-themed wallpapers available on iPad. We’ve collected a batch of videogame wallpapers designed especially for the iPad and iPad 2. These game shots are vibrant, colorful and crisp images of your favorite games in high definition and high resolution. Bring your iPad to life with your favorite game or game hero wallpaper!

Alien vs. Predatoralien vs predator

Assassin’s Creedassasin creeds

Battlefield IIIbf3


Falloutfallout 3

Final Fantasyfinal fantasy

Gears of wargear of wars

Gear of wargear of war II

Gear of wargear of war 3

Half-lifehalf life 2

Halo: Reachhalo reach

Heavy Rainheavy rain

LittleBigPlanetlittle big planet

Metroid Primemetroid prime

Mirror’s Edgemirrors edge

Portal IIportal 2

Prince of Persiaprice of persia

Star Warsstar wars

Starcraft IIstarcraft 2

Starcraft IIstarcraft

Team Fortress IIteam fortress 2

Team Fortress IIteam fortress cover

World of Warcraftwow


