Latest in: programmers

10 Tools to Teach Kids Basics of Programming

We live in a digital era where gadgets from computers and smartphones to tablets have become an essential part of our lives. Even kids these days pick…

The Greatest Inventions in Computer Programming

In one of the conversations I’ve had with our senior editor, I was asked the question, “How did the first programmers program?” This led to a di…

15 Places to Learn Swift Programming Language For Free

If you have been programming with Objective-C, learning Swift would be a breeze as it has inherited a number of syntax that you may already have been …

VIM Shortcut Keyboard Cover Every Programmer Will Dig

If you’re a programmer, chances are good that you’ve heard of Vim, an impressively powerful text editor that is notorious for being extremely comp…

7 Free eBooks To Learn AngularJS

So you’ve been following this Angular series (if you haven’t, start from the top here) and have come to a point where you are somewhat comfortable…
