9 Free Tools Similar to ChatGPT – Best Of

In recent years, language models powered by artificial intelligence (AI) have revolutionized the way we interact with chatbots and virtual assistants. Among these models, ChatGPT has emerged as a leading tool for generating human-like text responses.

Free tools similar to ChatGPT

However, not everyone has access to ChatGPT or its premium version due to various reasons. In this article, we will explore and bring to your awareness several free alternatives to ChatGPT.

Understanding the Functionality of ChatGPT

Before diving into alternative options, let’s take a moment to understand what makes ChatGPT so popular. ChatGPT is based on OpenAI’s GPT model, which stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer.” This AI model is trained on massive amounts of data from the internet, allowing it to generate coherent and contextually appropriate responses to a wide range of prompts.

ChatGPT’s main strengths lie in its ability to understand and respond to natural language queries. It can engage in conversations, answer questions, provide suggestions, and offer creative responses. These features make it an attractive choice for developers and users seeking dynamic conversational experiences.

The underlying AI algorithms power ChatGPT’s ability to generate text that mimics human conversation. While it may not always deliver perfect responses, AI technology has come a long way in creating chatbots capable of holding meaningful conversations and assisting users in various tasks.

One of the reasons ChatGPT has gained such popularity is its versatility. It can be used in a wide range of applications, including customer support, virtual assistants, content generation, and more. For customer support, ChatGPT can handle common queries and provide relevant information to users, reducing the need for human intervention.

Moreover, ChatGPT’s ability to engage in conversations makes it an excellent tool for virtual assistants. Users can interact with ChatGPT as if they were talking to a human, asking questions, seeking advice, or requesting assistance. This creates a more interactive and personalized experience for users, enhancing overall satisfaction.

In content generation, ChatGPT can be utilized to create compelling and engaging articles, blog posts, or social media content. By providing a prompt, users can get creative suggestions and ideas from ChatGPT, helping them overcome writer’s block or generating fresh content concepts.

Free Tools Similar to ChatGPT

For individuals and organizations looking for free options similar to ChatGPT, there are a few notable alternatives available. Let’s take a look at some of these free alternatives and explore their unique features and capabilities.

Microsoft Bing
Microsoft Bing

Bing, the search engine by Microsoft, has been enhanced with ChatGPT, making it capable of providing detailed and helpful answers to whatever you’re curious about. It boasts some neat tricks up its sleeve: it can respond in three different styles depending on what you need.

If you’re looking for something more imaginative, it offers a ‘Creative’ mode that’s excellent for storytelling. Need the facts straight up? Try the ‘Precision’ mode. Or, if you want a bit of both, ‘Balanced’ mode finds the middle ground, giving you a well-rounded response.

Bing is also quite adept at sifting through the internet based on the keywords you provide. It’s not just about finding information; it’s about finding the right information and showing you where it came from. However, it’s worth noting that Bing might take a bit more time to deliver those results compared to some of its speedier rivals.

Bottom line – Bing integrated with ChatGPT has some great strengths, like being capable of searching the web and offering different ways to get your answers. On the flip side, its responses can be a little slower.

Try Bing


You.com is home to YouChat, an AI chatbot that’s part of the You search engine. One of the cool things about YouChat is its ‘multimodal functionality.’ In simple terms, this means it can understand and communicate in more ways than just text.

For example, YouChat is quite intelligent with its advanced language learning model; it can manage text, apps, and links both as input and as output. This is a step up from the regular ChatGPT, which primarily focuses on text.

YouChat is completely free to use and comes with an advanced language learning model that makes it versatile in handling different types of information. However, it’s not exactly perfect. The chatbot has some limitations with app integration and, unlike some of its peers, it doesn’t create AI-generated images.

Try You.com

Google Bard

Bard may ring a bell as an AI service from the tech giant Google, and you might think it would be a top competitor in the AI space. However, it’s important to note that, as of the writing of this article, Bard is still in the testing stages. While it’s built on Google’s LaMDA model, which has the potential to rival something like ChatGPT, Bard hasn’t quite hit the mark, being close but not there yet.

Despite being in its experimental phase, Google Bard exhibits some impressive traits. It’s notably quick and has a flair for creativity. However, there’s a catch. It has been criticized for issues such as plagiarism and inaccuracies, which are pretty significant drawbacks. Additionally, unlike some other services, Bard doesn’t show where it gets its information from.

That said, it’s worth keeping an eye on Google Bard. With the massive resources and tech expertise of Google backing it, there’s a good chance it will evolve and improve over time. For now, though, while it has its strengths, it’s not quite ready to claim the crown as the best alternative to ChatGPT.

Try Google Bard


Copy.ai is an AI content generator with a suite of tools for creating a wide range of content, from blogs and social media posts to emails and documentation. It stands out with its specialized features for sales outreach, robust security measures, and an open API that allows for easy integration with other platforms for streamlined workflows.

Its free account offers one seat, also known as one user, with 2,000 words in chatting.

While Copy.ai offers speed and versatility, it does have its drawbacks. Some users find the content it produces to be less original and creative than human-written copy, and inconsistencies in information can be an issue, necessitating careful review. Nonetheless, Copy.ai remains a valuable tool for teams looking to enhance their content creation processes with AI assistance.

Try Copy.ai


Writesonic’s Chatsonic is built on the same technology as ChatGPT, so you can expect it to perform very similarly to ChatGPT.

One notable feature of Chatsonic is its ability to search the internet for you. It delivers detailed answers and even cites its sources to ensure the information is accurate and up-to-date, as far as the information on the internet is concerned. Like ChatGPT’s integration with Dall-E, it also has an image generator, which is handy when you need a picture quickly. The quality is quite good, although not quite at the level of some other tools like Midjourney.

If you don’t feel like typing, you can also use the voice recording feature. While Chatsonic isn’t exactly free, signing up for a free account gives you ample things to try out, for example, 10,000 free words to explore its AI chatting capability, doing image generation, access to more than 100 AI templates, integration with Zapier, and others.

Try Chatsonic


Character.ai, as its name suggests, is a fun and quirky alternative to ChatGPT, allowing you to dive into conversations with AI-created characters. Imagine chatting with anyone from Napoleon to Batman or even Super Mario. You can even have group chats with multiple AI characters.

However, it’s important to note that these conversations are strictly for fun. The platform clearly states that the information provided by the AI characters is fictional and may be inaccurate or potentially offensive. Therefore, it’s best to use Character.ai for entertainment rather than serious research or content creation.

The platform is free, but for those who really get into it, there’s a paid option. This premium plan offers faster responses and early access to upcoming features, which could enhance your experience if you find yourself frequently returning for more AI chat adventures.

Try Character.ai


HuggingChat by HuggingFace, a leading provider of AI services, has evolved to offer a selection of language models, including Llama, Mistral 7B, and Falcon 180B. This assortment enables more tailored and diverse conversations while also allowing the management of multiple chats simultaneously.

Similar to ChatGPT, HuggingChat is quite versatile. It can craft blog posts, tell jokes, generate HTML code for websites, and provide recipes. A notable feature is its ability to access the web, enhancing its responses with current, online information.

However, it’s worth noting that the bot may encounter network issues occasionally, which could be a minor inconvenience.

So, should you find ChatGPT unavailable or wish to try something different, HuggingChat is a commendable alternative worth exploring.

Try HuggingChat


Twain.ai is an AI-powered assistant designed to help you create emails that stand out and get responses. It works on both browsers and also comes with a Chrome extension. Its goal is to boost the effectiveness of your email communications, particularly in sales and outreach. Utilizing natural language processing, Twain.ai analyzes your messages to eliminate unnecessary filler words, create engaging introductions, and offer suggestions to enhance the overall structure and impact of your emails.

To use it, you simply paste your draft message into Twain’s editor, and it evaluates your content, providing insights and improvements to increase your chances of getting a positive response.

As of now, Twain.ai is free to use, making it an accessible tool for anyone looking to improve their email game.

Try Twain.ai


Poe, which stands for ‘Platform for Open Exploration,’ is an AI tool created by Quora. Rather than being a standalone AI itself, Poe serves as a hub where users can converse with a variety of AI chatbots. Quora has designed Poe for users to ask questions, receive immediate answers, and engage in detailed conversations with several AI-powered bots.

On the Poe website, users can chat with an impressive lineup of AIs including Sage, ChatGPT, Dragonfly, as well as advanced models like GPT-4 and Claude+.

In total, the platform provides access to over 20 different language models. However, it’s important to note that the more advanced AIs require a subscription. Accessing Poe does require an account, but conveniently, you won’t need separate accounts for each service it offers.

For those who love exploring different AI tools but want them all in one place, Poe is worth exploring.


The Future of AI Chat Tools

As AI technology improves by leaps and bounds, the outlook for chat tools like ChatGPT and similar ones is really promising. These conversational AIs are getting better quickly, and it looks like they’ll soon be even more accurate and able to respond faster.

We’re noticing a big shift in how chatbots are interacting with us. They’re becoming more fun and engaging to talk to. They’re improving at picking up on our feelings, the context of our conversations, and even our emotions. This means they’ll soon be able to chat with us in a way that’s more tailored to us and more immersive, making our talks with them feel more like chatting with a friend.
