Latest in: Mobile

Regardless of whether you use Android, iOS, Windows Phone, or an alternative OS, you'll appreciate the diverse array of mobile apps highlighted in this section.

For those who design apps, this section offers inspiration and resources to assist in designing, developing, and testing mobile applications. Additionally, we address topics like mobile security, m-commerce, mobile payment systems, mobile games, and more.

Creating Your Own Mobile App with Cordova

For many web developers, Cordova offers the quickest path to developing mobile apps. It lets you build applications for various platforms using the we…

Top 5 Android Calendar Apps You Should Check Out

A lot of us nowadays rely on our gadgets to keep track of what events and activities are happening in our lives. Thus, a calendar app becomes pretty i…

10 Things Windows Phones Did Better Than Android Phones

Alright, alright, calm yourselves, keyboard warriors, we know this is something most of you would probably not agree with because let’s face it, wit…

7 Handy Android Apps to Supercharge Your WeChat

As a WeChat user, as much as you love some of the features that come with WeChat such as being able to share videos on Moments, trigger confetti in a …

10 Helpful LINE App Tips And Tricks

LINE is a popular messaging app that has risen in popularity. It is so popular that it now has over 400 million global registered users, as of April, …

10 WeChat Tips & Tricks

One of the reasons why people sometimes prefer WeChat over Whatsapp or Viber is that WeChat has some interesting features that some people find conven…

15 Facebook App Tips And Tricks For Android Phones

Let’s face it, many of us still use Facebook daily, be it at home, work or when you’re outside hanging out with your friends. This means that most…

10 Tips to Avoid Exceeding Your Mobile Data Quota

A rising majority of people are browsing the Web using their mobile phones with the use of Wi-Fi, or mobile/cellular data while on the go. While trans…

Stripe Checkout – Web And Mobile Payment The Easy Way

If you dabble in e-commerce and have yet to try out Stripe, then you are losing out on one of the easiest way to receive payment online. Stripe takes …

Hovering Controls: Samsung-Like Air Gesture Features for Android

This article was first published on: Jun 4. When the Samsung Galaxy S4 was released last year, Samsung included a feature called Air Gesture. This fea…

What’s New in iOS 8

It’s official, we are getting a new iOS, and you are going to love the smarter, faster, family-centric and health-focused iOS 8. This version comes …

10 Smartphone Apps to Get Latest Football Scores

The biggest football competition on the planet is about to begin and football fans will be glued to their TV sets in this once every 4 years event to …
