Singyin Lee

Singyin is Senior Editor and Writer for Hongkiat. She is allergic to poor Wifi and spun articles, and has been told that she drinks too much coffee. Her sense of humor has been damaged by the Internet.

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10 Most Expensive Acquisitions in Tech History

There are many reasons why tech acquisitions happen: to acquire talent, to shut down a rising competitor, to gain access and ownership to patents, equ…

The Only New Year Resolution List You Need

Do you have your resolutions thought out yet? I have. It is the same as the previous year’s but I am keeping to it not because I didn’t achieve th…

How Smartphones Are Revolutionizing Diagnostic Medicine

We have covered how smartphones can greatly enhance our lives, not just by being our lifeline to the online world, but also in changing aspects of our…

China’s E-Commerce: A Game-Changing Multi-Billion Industry

This article was first published on: Nov 11, 2013. We usually don’t write about finance but we do like to indulge a bit in e-commerce and online sho…

6 Simple Tips To Write Your Next Killer Post

I’m not surprised to find out that people are reading less. There is so much more happening elsewhere, in videos, memes, animated clips, illustratio…

How To Keep Your Blog Going Without Burning Out

It is not easy to manage a multi-authored blog especially if it is read by a lot of people every day. The process of finding ideas that are relevant, …

4 Alternative Ways to Recycle Your Old Gadgets

Learn how to recycle your old gadgets and reduce e-waste. Discover easy and eco-friendly ways to dispose of your electronics.

5 Ways We Epicly Misuse Mobile Technology

Ever joked that smartphones are so intelligent that you don’t need to be? Well, it’s partially true. The capabilities of smartphones have evolved …

A Look Into: Cases And Causes Of Smartphone Explosions

Recently we have been reading reports of smartphone accidents involving electric shocks, explosions and self-combusting devices. We’d like to think …

10 Creative Marketing Ad Campaigns You Have To Watch

It’s the age of video, but not every day do you come across really good videos that you don’t mind watching over and over again. There are some re…

Your Guide to Facebook’s New Page Insights

Having stumbled upon an invitation to try out Facebook’s New Page Insight, we took the tour and checked out what’s new, what’s improved and what…

Inspirational Workspace: A Tour of’s Office

We are fans of unorthodox art, such as sketches on Starbucks cups, street pavements, and the sides of buildings, etc. Occasionally, we enjoy checking …