Singyin Lee

Singyin is Senior Editor and Writer for Hongkiat. She is allergic to poor Wifi and spun articles, and has been told that she drinks too much coffee. Her sense of humor has been damaged by the Internet.

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Internet’s Most Hated Innovations [Infographic]

The Internet giveth and the Internet taketh away. The modern world is no stranger to major innovations making its mark and ruling the world before bei…

10 Smart Features Your Smartwatch Should Be Capable Of

So there is a treasure trove of Apple Watch reviews making the rounds right about now. While reading them, you can’t get away from the idea that qui…

How Chrome Won The War of The Browsers [Infographic]

According to StatCounter, Chrome still reigns supreme as the crowd favorite browser of choice, ahead of IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera and other browsers.…

How To Keep Your Kids Safe On A Smartphone [Infographic]

Smartphones and tablets get a bad rap when it comes to child usage. If you have ever seen a child glued to their iPad at dinnertime instead of touchin…

Flyte Is A LightBulb That Levitates, And It’s Cool

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you see this? Let me help: How is this light bulb floating on top of that base? Secondly, what in blaz…

HipChat Keeps Your Team Connected Across Multiple Platforms

Communication can be a problem when it comes working online and remotely. Requirements, reminders and reiterations can get lost when a message gets pa…

Apple Watch Prices At A Glance (All 38 Models Compared)

Apple’s long awaited Apple Watch is coming to stores in April but the prices and models have already been announced. As much fun as it is to dwell o…

Get Your Smartphone Photos Instantly With Prynt

Do you take and post photos of yourself, family and friends, and pretty much about your everyday life a whole lot? Where do you store your photos when…

How To Deal With Facebook Game Invites (The Right Way)

We need to talk about Facebook games. I believe if you’re on Facebook, you are either on the team that plays games, or the team that does not. The f…

How To Start A Great New Year

I’m going to be totally honest with you. This is a writing challenge. It’s one of those torture devices that writers impose on themselves in order…

Searching For Happiness In The Workplace

When it comes to work and enjoyment, there are two polar opposites. And they’re summarized beautifully in 2 quotes. The first, “Do what you love a…

The 101 On The World’s Billionaires [Infographic]

How many billionaires do you know aside from Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates? Do you know who the richest billionaire in Asia is, or the richest woman …