Preethi Ranjit

A .NET developer with a JavaScript background, Preethi is expert in front-end coding, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

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JavaScript Getters and Setters: A Developer’s Guide

Getters and setters are functions or methods used to get and set the values of variables. The getter-setter concept is common in computer programming:…

Getting Started with JavaScript Promises

Asynchronous code is useful for performing tasks that are time-consuming but, of course, it’s not devoid of cons. Async code uses callback functions…

How to Create Custom Slash Commands in Slack

Slack is a team productivity tool that comes with many configurations and services meant for customization. One of the best of its customizable featur…

Understanding Document Object Model (DOM) in Details

We have all heard of the DOM, or Document Object Model, that gets mentioned from time to time, related to JavaScript. DOM is a pretty important concep…

How to Filter and Traverse DOM Tree with JavaScript

Did you know there’s a JavaScript API whose sole mission is to filter out and iterate through the nodes we want from a DOM tree? In fact, not one bu…

How to Auto-generated Table of Contents with HTML Slots

Table of contents can greatly improve the user experience of many websites, for instance documentation sites or online encyclopedias like Wikipedia. A…

15 GCLI Commands in Firefox for Front-End Developers

No matter how many fancy buttons and menus we’ve got, there are always programmers who appreciate command line access in their work environment, esp…

How margin:auto in CSS Works

Centering a block element horizontally with margin:auto is a common technique, but the specifics of how and why it works can be intriguing. To demysti…

How to Animate Dashed Border with CSS

Decorated borders can adorn any element on page, but CSS borders are limited when it comes to style. Developers frequently come up with solutions like…

10 Native Features Every Browser Should Have

Web browsers are our doorways to the internet. Even though they are vital and have been around for a while, their development has been slow. Yet, feat…

Mastering Synchronous & Asynchronous JavaScript – Part 1

Synchronous and asynchronous are confusing concepts in JavaScript, especially for beginners. Two or more things are synchronous when they happen at th…

Count HTML State Changes Real-Time with CSS

Counting is a ubiquitous task in web applications. How many unread emails do you have? How many tasks are left unchecked on your to-do list? How many …