Preethi Ranjit

A .NET developer with a JavaScript background, Preethi is expert in front-end coding, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

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10 Podcasts All Web Developers Should Subscribe To

If you commute long distances for study or work, there are plenty of ways to put that travel time to good use. For instance, you could listen to audio…

10 (More) CSS Tricks You Probably Overlooked

There are plenty of CSS snippets that web developers can use to achieve certain results, and then there are CSS tricks that you can use for things lik…

Introduction to MathML – The Markup Language for Math

MathML is a markup language that can be used to display mathematical notations. You can use MathML tags directly from HTML5. It is useful for when you…

JavaScript Functions

JavaScript functions are capable of more than just merely enclosing a bunch of codes while waiting for the call to execute. Functions have evolved ove…

How to Use MutationObserver API for DOM Node Changes

Here’s a scenario: Rita, a magazine writer is editing an article of hers online. She saves her changes, and sees the message “changes saved!” Ju…

Display Date and Time: How to Do It Right

We come across them dates and time… well, every day. When it comes to the Web, you can spot them in your mobile apps, in emails, in your messaging a…

Using and Styling HTML5 Meter [Guide]

If you’re familiar with the HTML progress bar, which shows how much of an activity has been performed, you will find that the meter element is simil…