Preethi Ranjit

A .NET developer with a JavaScript background, Preethi is expert in front-end coding, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

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Advanced Checkbox Styling with CSS Grid

The CSS Grid Layout Module can not only solve a mammoth of a layout problem but also some good old mulish issues we’ve been dealing with for a long …

Display Text on Image With CSS3 mix-blend-mode

Image backgrounds look great behind large display texts. However, its CSS implementation is not that straightforward. We can use the background-clip: …

CSS Scroll Snap Points

The CSS Scroll Snap Module is a web standard that gives us some control over scrolling on a web page so that we can make users scroll to certain parts…

How to Customize Firefox Reader View for Better Readability

Reader View is a popular feature of the Firefox browser, that changes the appearance of a web page, and makes it more readable by removing visual clut…

Using HTML & With Shadow DOM

Speed up your HTML templates with the slow tag and Shadow DOM. Learn how to optimize your website for faster loading times.

10 Most Common Types of Web Developers

How many developers do you know in your life? If you work with a group of them, you might notice that they have particular quirks or personalities tha…

CSS Shorthand vs. Longhand – Which to Use

Shorthand and Longhand – one is concise and the other precise. One came to existence out of the want for brevity, while the other stands firm to pre…

15 Useful CSS Tricks You Might Have Overlooked

If you have been a frontend web developer for a while, there is a high chance that you have had a moment when you were trying to find out how to code …

How to Improve HTML Table Accessibility with Markup

Web accessibility refers to designing web applications in a way that it can be used with ease by people with visual disabilities. Some of these users …

How to Speed Up Your Website Using the <LINK> Tag

Editor’s note: This article is part of our Code Optimization series, where we explore how to optimize coding for better efficiency to help us become…

How to Use ES6 Template Literals in JavaScript

In programming, the term “literal” refers to the notation of values in code. For instance, we notate a string value with a string literal that are…

Guide to Linting JavaScript with JSHint

Editor’s note: This article is part of our Code Optimization series, where we take a look at how to optimize coding for better efficiency in a bid t…