Marton Fekete

Marton is a Hungarian site developer recently hooked on WordPress. He is a redesign enthusiast and freelance content writer who likes playing RPGs in his free time.

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How to Create Effective Popups For Your Online Store

Popups may be the most hated thing on websites today, but they are immensely effective when it comes to driving traffic and getting subscriptions to y…

How to Set Up a ‘Request for Price’ Catalog in WooCommerce

WooCommerce provides a seamless platform to list your products, making it straightforward for customers to make purchases and for you to handle orders…

Optimizing Web Design with Human Visual Processing

Designing websites and user interfaces have become way easier in the past few years. There are so many tools out there that you can use that makes it …

How Facebook Uses Your Data

Lump Facebook and privacy together in the same sentence and you have cause for a mighty heated discussion. It’s no secret that Facebook takes certai…

Private Browsing – What It Is & What It Isn’t

All browsers provide you with a way for a so-called private browsing experience, and the descriptions are also in the same vein. Chrome named the opti…