Arfa Mirza

Writer and Senior Editor at, Arfa has ten years of experience in advertising and online media where writing has been a constant.

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Why Being a “Follower” Isn’t All Bad

In our leadership-obsessed culture, being marked a follower is often symbolized as one’s inability or weakness. Those in charge are glorified, while…

Employers: Getting Gen-X & Millennials to Work Together

In today’s business organizations, a boss is like an orchestra conductor. I borrowed this analogy because like a conductor who sets the tempo and en…

5 Top 360° Cameras for Creating Virtual Reality Videos

If you’re fascinated by the world of Virtual Reality (VR) videos, you’re not alone! These videos offer a first-person visual experience, making yo…

How Gen-X & Millennials Behave at Work [Explained]

Generational diversity is at the very core of the development of any social and entrepreneurial organization. The Germans, for instance, are such a bi…

How to Ace That Job Interview Using Your Failed Startup

Failure does not vouch for your inability to do something. Especially in the tricky waters of entrepreneurship, an unsuccessful attempt in business ca…

If “Game of Thrones” Characters Were Your Design Clients

Clients are the only reason a design business can exist. One has to be either very lucky or very astute in order to be working for just the perfect se…

Understanding and Reviving Unused Designs

In the past, wars were won through smart strategies and skilled soldiers. Just like in those battles, the graphic design world has its own kind of war…

10+ Online Data Backup and Synchronization Tools

Data is one of the most important assets we have these days. From photos and videos to files and folders, there are millions of things one saves as da…

SOPA: Scaring or Securing Internet Users?

Since October 2011, the Internet all over the world is buzzing with the recent issue of Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) bill. Millions of Internet users…