Addison Duvall

Addison is the author of Food Identities, a blog that explores the crossroads of food, design, and culture. She's written some things, designed other things, and eaten a whole lot of food.

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5 Ways Professionalism Overload Hurts Your Design Career

Being a professional is something that most designers dream of accomplishing. After all, it’s the happy medium between knowing your stuff, getting p…

How to Get Buzy People to Answer You

In business, there is a right way and a wrong way to do just about everything. This certainly extends to asking for favors or any other kind of help f…

5 Ways to Monetize Your Old Designs

After a couple of years as a freelance designer, you’re going to build up quite a collection of work you’ve done for clients, and ideally, for you…

Building and Hiring an Awesome Team

At some point in your design career, you’ll likely be placed in charge of other people. These might include writers, marketers, programmers, enginee…

Why Alienating Potential Clients Can Be A Good Thing

Does your client roster read like the advertising section of a newspaper? Do plumbers, veterinarians, landscapers, dentists – any and every type of …

How Telling Stories Can Nail You More Clients

Everyone is a storyteller. Stories are how we explore our surroundings and communicate with others, whether it’s to persuade them, inspire them, o…

You Sure You Want to Be a Freelance Designer?

Are you getting sick of the daily grind of commercial creativity – having to be creative on command for a client with a specific idea in mind? I kno…

Boost Your Visibility as a Designer with Strong Opinions

As a designer, I have a lot of opinions on design, both as a user and as a creator of design content. And if you’re a designer, I’m sure you do as…

It’s Good for Designers to Write Their Own Copy, Here’s Why

Designers tend to freak out when they hear the word “writing.” That’s not my job; someone else will get paid to do that – right? Well, not alw…

What You Discover After Finishing Design School

I went to design school, and if you did as well, you may be wondering if you made the right decision, especially when the bills start piling up and th…

How to Turn Criticism Into Inspiration

As creatives, criticism is part and parcel of our careers. Yet, because of our artistic sensitivity, we can often be the least prepared to deal with i…