A Look Into: Setting Up Local Server with AMPPS
MAMP is one of the most popular applications in OSX to run local server; for Windows users, WAMP or XAMPP is likely the most widely used option. These three applications are sufficient for the job. But if there is another tool that can make a developer’s job faster and more efficient, we’d jump on that tool at every chance.
Recently, we came across an application called AMPPS. It is packed with loads of feature, and it does more than just run a local server. If you are looking for an alternative app, let’s check out what AMPPS has to offer and see how to deploy a website on a local computer with it.
Recommended Reading: Beginner’s Guide To WordPress Multisite With MAMP
Getting Started
Similar to the three applications mentioned above, AMPPS is packed with Apache, MySQL, and phpMyAdmin, which let us run and develop PHP-based web locally on the computer. In addition, AMPPS also includes MongoDB, Python, and RockMongo to cater to wider tech needs and preferences.
Furthermore, AMPPS comes with Softaculous which allows us to install web applications in the shortest way possible with the auto-installer. At the time of this writing, there are more than 280 web apps that can be installed through Softaculous which includes WordPress, Drupal, Mangento, and even the new blogging platform Ghost.
With it, we can also create domain names for the websites that we created, instead of using the default name localhost
Installing AMPPS
AMPPS is a free application, and available for both Windows and OSX. Download it here, and follow the installation instruction as per your OS. Run it, then open the AMPPS Admin. Ensure that the Apache and MySQL have been started.

Then, open your Browser and go to localhost/ampps
. This is the page where things like installing apps, setting up passwords for AMPPS, creating databases as well as managing domain names are done.

On the left-hand side, as shown in the above screenshot, you can see that there are several categories of Apps ranging from Blogging, CMS, and E-Commerce to Educational apps.
As an example, we will install Magento. It is an e-commerce platform that is very well-suited for big-sized and complex online stores. Before proceeding, we need to create a domain name for it.
Creating a Domain Name
Click the Add Domain icon. In this case, let’s name it store.dev
, you can, of course, freely name the domain. Note, if you are currently having Pow running in your system, you have to uninstall it. Otherwise, the domain will not be accessible and will just return a Not Found error.

Select the "Add an entry to Host File ?" to register then domain name into the hosts file.
Upon clicking the Add Domain, you will be prompted with your Administrator credential username and password, as it attempts to write the hosts
At this point, we are done adding the domain name. You can try it in the browser to make sure that it is accessible. If it is not, it’s likely that you have another application that occupies the virtualhosting as well, such as Pow. If you have that installed, uninstall it.
Installing Magento
Getting an app installed and running with AMPPS is so easy with the one-click auto-installer tool. And as mentioned, we are going to install Magento. So, let’s head over to Ecommerce > Magento and click the Install button.

Fill the required setups, and (again) click the Install button at the very bottom of the page.

The process may take a while, and if this is the first time you install Magento or any other apps, AMPPS will have to download the package source. When the process is complete, the website should be accessible as follows.

That’s it! It took me less than a minute to install Magento. Compared to the traditional way, which could take around 10 to 15 min, this is really a time-saver. It also eliminates most of the hassle (setting up Magento can be distressing; been there).
As you can see above, AMPPS comes with a Domain Manager, and an auto-installer tool for hundreds of web apps. In addition, there are literally a bunch of free features that we haven’t explored yet. By comparison, I think AMPPS could really be a better alternative to MAMP, WAMP, and XAMPP.