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Financial Tips: 8 Key Things to Know by Age 30

For many, the twenties are a time to enjoy life, often leading to adventurous but questionable financial choices. While the arrival of your thirties d…

Facebook in the Workplace: Boon or Bane?

Have you ever found yourself secretly playing a game on your office computer, only to swiftly switch tabs with Alt + Tab at the slightest sign of your…

Working Across Generations: Gen-X and Millennials

In today’s business organizations, a boss acts like an orchestra conductor. This analogy is apt because, just like a conductor who sets the tempo an…

How Do AI-Powered Robot Vacuum Cleaners Work in a Smart Home?

Between 2014 and 2021, the global robot vacuum cleaner market more than tripled in value, increasing from 0.95 billion to 4.48 billion dollars, accord…

Top 5 Apps for a Better Workflow

Running a business involves managing tasks, projects, and collaboration, and has been a game-changer in this space. Its easy-to-use interfa…
