Latest in: rr

10 Viber Features For Android You Should Know

As a messaging app, Viber has evolved quite a bit since it was launched in 2010. Viber doesn’t just have the regular features of other messaging app…

10 Viral Stories That Turned Out to Be Hoaxes

2013 was deemed as the year of Internet hoaxes – in fact, you might have fallen for a few, like the gay waitress who wasn’t tipped because of her …

12 Amazing Microsoft Research Projects You Have to See

Many tech companies have their own skunkworks division, working on advance projects that may have nothing to do with the core of the company, or on id…

8 Tumblr Limitations You Probably Don’t Know

We’ve already covered some Tumblr tips and tricks that can help you out with your blogging experience. On top of that, we featured a few tools and e…

Top 5 Android Calendar Apps You Should Check Out

A lot of us nowadays rely on our gadgets to keep track of what events and activities are happening in our lives. Thus, a calendar app becomes pretty i…

Five Gadgets That Gives You Renewable Energy

There are just too many battery chargers and power generators out there that you can get to power up your electronic devices. But have you ever though…

10 Electronics DIY Kits and Modules to Experiment With

DIY electronics used to be the domain of the super geeky, but over the past few years Arduino and the Raspberry Pi have given rise to a whole new cult…

10 Things Windows Phones Did Better Than Android Phones

Alright, alright, calm yourselves, keyboard warriors, we know this is something most of you would probably not agree with because let’s face it, wit…

10 Helpful LINE App Tips And Tricks

LINE is a popular messaging app that has risen in popularity. It is so popular that it now has over 400 million global registered users, as of April, …

10 Outstanding Teenage App Developers to Watch

The Internet has changed the way we learn things – it ranges from a simple Google check to learning whole university courses online. More importantl…
